A.U Chapter 13: Thank you

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A/N: Hi I'm back

Narrator POV

Y/N still hadn't went pass the Overseer's death, but he decided to move on, and keep doing his best on everything

He was now watching a training between Durandal and Kiana, and they were both in their strongest form

Y/N: ........

Kiana: Are you alright, Y/N? You seems to have something in mind

Durandal: Yes, what is it? You can tell us

Y/N: I just realized you 2 are Kiana Kaslana, so it only confirm something I thought since a long time ago.........

Durandal: And that is?

Kiana: Surely that we're strong!

Y/N: That, and that it make sense........ You 2 have the same IQ after all, which is below 10

He had the luck to dodge their spear and blade, as their eyes were twitching

Kiana: You surely have some balls to say that like that~

Durandal: It seems like we could train you for a bit~

Y/N: Oh yeah? Then find x in this problem

He showed them a paper sheet with a math problem, as they had the same reaction

Durandal/Kiana: IT'S HERE!

They pointed at X


He fell on the ground laughing too hard

Durandal: We answered right! Why are you laughing?!

Kiana: Let's tell him the capital of Spain, he won't believe how smart we are!

Durandal & Kiana: It's Berlin!

He looked at them for a second, as they were full of confidence, before he bursted out laughing once again!

Rita: Miss Durandal, that is the capital of Germany

Durandal: Eh?! So I was lied about for this long?!

Bronya: Idiotka forever huh?

Kiana: HEY!

Y/N: Oh my dear lord, that was gre-

He suddendly coughed, but covered it with his hand

Y/N: Ah fuck, you made me laugh too hard, now I'm coughing

Fu Hua: Y/N, could I have a talk with you please?

Y/N: Sure, lead the way

She nodded, and take him to another place, which was his lab


Y/N: So what did you wanted to talk about?

Fu Hua: How did you managed find a cure? I never had the chance to ask you, but I need to know

Y/N: Oh, well, World Serpent helped me a lot

Fu Hua: But who? The scientist Kiana encountered in Arc City didn't had this much knowledge about honkai, and she surely couldn't help you

Y/N: Oh! It's actually Mobius that helped me!

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