Chapter 12: Y/N Real Identity

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Y/N: I wish it could be that easy........

Fu Hua just left the room, after I warned her

I could have killed her the moment I saw her, but yet, I didn't


I looked at the moon, before taking a step forward, and instantly landing in it

I looked around, and spotted way more Honkai beast than I thought

There were enough beast to overwhelm an entire country 

I walked forward, toward the hidden part of the moon, seeing a cloud of Honkai energy

???: You have finally accepted yourself, it seems

Y/N: Show yourself, instead of hiding in the shadow

The figure appeard in front of him, smirking

Y/N: Who are you, and why are you obsessed with me accepting myself

???: It is easy to udnerstand

It appeard at my side, holding my right shoulder shoulder, and whisper to my ear

???: You are made of Honkai, and was born to lead it

I raised my left hand, and slap him away from me, creating a giant shockwave at the same time

???: Well, we have a hot headed one here! There is no need to be this hasty!

Y/N: Don't try to play with my nerve, I am in no mood to play with you

???: Then, let me explain to you

It clapped it's hands, as the world around us changed, even the whole dimension

It clapped it's hands, as the world around us changed, even the whole dimension

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Y/N: Another dimension, I suppose

???: Almost, this, is the personal dimension of the previous God

Y/N: I see. Before we start, tell me who you are

???: Really going to the point, huh? I like that

It bowed in front of me, before it face changed to Otto?

Otto?: I am what Humanity seek to destroy, and what the Herrschers seek to protect. I am none other, than the Honkai itself

Y/N: So my guess was true, huh? Now, why did you take Otto's face?

Honkai: Well, this man have tried to contact us a lot of time, but everytime, we rejected him. And even if you deny it, in your heart, you still see him as family

Y/N: ......

Honkai: Now, where should I begin? Your identity, or the truth about the honkai?

Y/N: Do as you wish, I need answers anyway

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now