Special Chapter: Destiny can be........

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A/N: Not a longer chapter, but the final act of the story is starting

Narrator POV

Y/N was on the top of a cliff, looking down at the sea hitting the rocks with powerful waves

He closed his eyes, as he remember their last words

Y/N: "Live my life freely" huh.......

He took a step forward, before free falling toward the sea, before he opened his eyes again, and create a portal

When he falled through the portal, he took a step forward, and landed perfectly and peacefully to his destination, the mount Taixuan

When he falled through the portal, he took a step forward, and landed perfectly and peacefully to his destination, the mount Taixuan

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Y/N: The mount Taixuan...... Where Fu Hua is currently....... I need to not show much power, or else "she" will come too soon

He channeled his power inside his body, before his eyes and coat return to normal

Y/N looked like when he got accepted as the Medic of St. Freya

Y/N: Good, now I can-


I couldn't finish my sentence, as I heard 2 gasp behind me, and knew instantly who it was from

I let out a sigh, and smile

Y/N: It really have been a while......

I turn around, and see Kiana and Bronya, looking at me, shocked

Y/N: How have you been?

Kiana was the first one to move forward, but by the moves of her leg and arm, she will try to punch me, hard

I closed my eyes, and let her charge at me, punching me in the face

I was sent crashing to a wall, as I heard her yell

Kiana: You......! You show your face after everything that happened?!

I got out of the wall, looking down, not saying a word

Kiana: After the Incident with the 4th Herrscher, we needed you! After I lost control, we needed you! When Fu Hua got killed, we needed you! After I was wanted by everyone, I needed you! 

She grabbed my collar, and glare at me, tears in her eyes

Kiana: And the only thing you say after all of this, is "How have you been?!"

Y/N: .........

Kiana: Say something!

She was about to punch me, but Project Bunny grabbed her, taking her away from me

Kiana: Bronya! Let me go! 

Bronya: Subject Kiana, remember our main goal is to bring back Class Monitor. We will deal with Subject Y/N later

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