Chapter 16: ....Quite Cruel

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It was over for the Herrscher of Sentience

Kiana managed to beat her, and bring back Fu Hua, sealing the Herrscher for good

Bronya, who fought to gain time for Kiana to prepare herself, walked to them, smiling

Should I...... Go with them?

Even if they hate me, I need to

Kiana: It's good to have you back, Fu Hua

Fu Hua: Yes, and it's all thanks to you 3

Bronya: 3?

Y/N: If it wasn't for me before, you would still be trapped in this illusion she made

Kiana: .......

Fu Hua: Y/N, did you remember everything?

Y/N: Yes, and I will tell everything, when everyone will be at rest

Bronya: Wait a Minute, Y/N, the Bronya have a question for you

Y/N: Yes, what is it Bornya?

Bronya: Why does Project Bunny consider you as a Pure Honkai Entity? Did what the Herrscher said is true?

Y/N: Sadly, it is true

Kiana: Then....... We will have to fight you?

Y/N: If I ever have to fight you all, then it means it wouldn't be me at all

Fu Hua: Now, enough talking about the future fight, now, we all need to rest, even you, Y/N. You seems exhausted

Y/N: ......You're right, I will follow you all to the Hyperion

Kiana: .........

She didn't say anything, before they walked away, as I followed them


We finally arrived to the Hyperion, and when I landed on it, every weapon were directed at me, Mechas everywhere

Fu Hua: Dr. Tesla, please calm down!

Tesla: What do you mean calm down?! His Honkai energy is above everything we've saw before!

Einstein: Tesla is right, we can't stay at ease when someone have this much Honkai energy in them

Tesla and Einstein, the two Scientist of Anti-Entropy, and the ones that could hate the honkai even more than Kevin

Tesla and Einstein, the two Scientist of Anti-Entropy, and the ones that could hate the honkai even more than Kevin

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Y/N: Fu Hua, it's okay. If I was in their place, I would have done the same

Tesla: See?! Even HE agree he's dangerous!

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now