A.U Chapter 12: Farewell Overseer

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A/N: Time for one final developpement for Y/N

Narrator POV

Y/N was walking out of the realm, at his side was Mei

Y/N: Seriously........ Why did this fight happened again?

Mei: You don't need to know

Y/N: Huh...........

???: Oh? You two already leaving the realm?

Raven walked to them, as Y/N only pointed at Mei

Y/N: She broke the realm

Mei: She said I wasn't fit at this position, she deserved it

Y/N: Yeah Yeah, whatever

Raven: Are you........ sad about leaving the realm?

Y/N: Not at all! Not that I had a MAGNIFICENT tea party with Eden when this fight happened, and we had to STOP IT!

Raven: More angry than sad, cool then. The sovereign want to see you two

Y/N: Sure

Mei was walking behind them, before she made Y/N slow down a bit

Mei: Sorry, I kinda overdid it

Y/N: Nah don't worry, I'm just joking with you, no need to feel concerned

Mei: That's good to hear...........

Raven: We're here

On his throne, Kevin looked at Mei and Y/N, not showing any emotion

Kevin: What is your report about the realm, Raiden Mei?

Mei: They are incredible fighters, and I learn, and will learn a lot from them all

Kevin: Good. What about you, Y/N?

Y/N: I achieved the cure against Honkai Infection

Kevin: Anything else

Y/N: I started to work on project STIGMA. If I manage to finish my work, it will be over sooner than we thought

Kevin: Good. Y/N, the Overseer of Schicksal, Otto Apocalypse, have called me, and wish to see you

Y/N: Sure, I go and meet him

Mei: I don't accept it. Like I said last time, it will only be for Y/N to be a bait for Kiana

Y/N: Mei, nothing will happen to me, nor Kiana or anyone

Mei: And how can you be so sure?!

Y/N: The Honkai talked to me

Kevin's eyes instantly sharpened, as Mei looked at him in confusion

Mei: The honkai?

Y/N: Yes. The Honkai told me the moment the cure would be made, all living Herrschers not on our side will try to kill me. But I know one thing, they want me alive. I don't know the reason, but the Will of Honkai want me alive. So, even if an Herrscher find me, nothing will happen to me

Mei: ..........

Kevin: You are free to leave. But I give you only 2 days. If you get past those 2 days, I will consider it as betrayal of the World Serpent

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