Chapter 4: Save them from anything

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A/N: People asked me for the sauce of the HoV I saw yesterday.......... Ok


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There, happy?

Narrator POV

Y/N was currently in his bed, looking at the ceiling, not able to sleep

Y/N: ...... Maybe I should go take a walk to get tired then sleep more

He got up, and walk out of his room, walking around the school, in the middle of the night

Y/N: It sure is peaceful at such time....... No yelling, No fighting....... Only silence........

He sat on a bench, and smile at the starry sky in front of him

Y/N: I always wondered why the night got prettier the more we look at it......... I think I will not have the answer yet

???: And maybe, you will find out soon enough

Y/N didn't say anything, and only smile at the stranger words

Y/N: You're right, maybe I will

He didn't know why, but even if he didn't looked at the stranger, he felt at ease with them, and knew he could trust them

They stayed like that for an hour, staring at the sky, not saying a word

Y/N got up, stretched, and sigh

Y/N: Well, I think I should go back to sleep

He walked away, as a figure looked at him from the sky, a gentle smile on their face


Y/N woke up with a more energy than usual, as his day was just about to start

Y/N: Today is the result of the Exam! I'm sure they all succeeded without any problem!

He walked out of his room, and head out to the main corridor, where the results were shown

He saw a lot of student in front of a wall, and assumed it was here

He saw the top ranking instantly, and smile

Y/N: Fu Hua, Mei and Bronya succeeded without a problem! But I don't see Kiana's name anywhere.......

???: It's because she failed

[Rework]The Medic (Honkai Impact x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now