A.U Chapter 5: New found Hope

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A/N: Ayo another chapter! IN LESS THAN 4 MONTH OH MY GOD!

Narrator POV

Y/N was working harder than usual

Ever since he joined World Serpent, he quickly showed what he was able to do, in many ways

First, his knowledge as a Medic proved themselves worthy when he cured many minor honkai infection without any problem

Second, he gained the respect of Jackal quickly, even though she wasn't the easiest to impress

Third, Raven trusted him the most there

He was slowly but surely making himself known among all World Serpent

Studying the old archives, doing all nighters to progress on his project, and project STIGMA

But, there was still someone that haven't showed their intention to Y/N

Y/N: I'm almost finished with this part.......... I know an infection from 1 to 30% is easy for me to handle, without risking my life, but after that, I have to transfer the infection in my body, to save the person......... I need to found a way to prevent me risking my life

???: Working as hard as usual it seems, Doctor L/N

Y/N: Hmm? Wlel, if it isn't Grey Serpent. What can I do for you?

Grey Serpent: I heard your research were going pretty well, and by such, I wanted to see it with my own eyes

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Grey Serpent: I heard your research were going pretty well, and by such, I wanted to see it with my own eyes

Y/N: Well, for your information, I made something against honkai infection that is inferior to 30% of the whole body, without any drawbacks. After that, I have way more trouble finding a safe way to take off the honkai energy from someone's body

Grey Serpent: Well, that sure is troublesome for your project. But you can do it, right? You won't let the sovereign down, aren't you?

Y/N: Bitch, I won't let anyone down, I'm not going to stop until I find a cure against honkai infection

Grey Serpent: Well, I wish you good luck, Y/N

He walked away, leaving Y/N alone, only for him to scoff

Y/N: Bitch thinking I'm not worthy yet, fucking asshole

???: Oh? First time I see you talking badly about a member here, Y/N

He turned around, and saw Raven, smiling at him

Raven: Yo

Y/N: Oh, Raven. Well, you can't say he didn't deserved it. That guy's creeping me out

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