Chapter 11: Singapour Incident

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A/N: Time to speed this story up. It's been taking too long in my opinion and we didn't get to the good part yet

Narrator POV

Man: Thank you doctor!

Y/N: No problem, it's my job after all!

Y/N was in Singapour, in order to get a new life, hiding from everything, after the order of Kevin


Kevin: Y/N, the time for you to fight the Honkai at the Serpent side is too soon. Your determination is strong, but you still lack experience in fighting. That's why until the call, you will be living a normal life, away from fighting


They helped him get an office and a house to himself, but still, Y/N felt uneasy

Like........ He was missing something all the way

He managed to throw this feeling away, but every day, it would come back

It was like....... He missed his whole life, the instant he joined the Serpent

Y/N: ......The night as already set...... Maybe I should go to that hotel...... The Queen Royale hotel it was called? I don't remember clearly.....

He got up, stretched a little, and smile

Y/N: Alright! Time to take a quick tour there!

He got his coat, before opening the door

But he suddendly stopped, as he shivered, like when he met the woman a few days ago

But this time, it was not the feeling of fear, but death itself

???: Soon, you will understand your role in this war, and will join me

Y/N turn back, and for a second, he saw a figure made of honkai energy, smirking at him

???: You will be my successor, Y/N

The figure disappeard, as Y/N falled to his knee, and breathed heavily

His eyes were glowing, but this time they glowed a deep amber colour

He looked at his hands, and see the honkai running through his veins like crazy

He slowly started to calm down after an hour, before he took a deep breath, and finally calmed down fully

Y/N: I need to think of that tomorrow. Now, I need to change my mind

He got out of his office, and was walking through the street, toward the Queen Royale Hotel

On the Moon.........

A figure was looking at Earth, with a smile, Honkai energy covering it's body

???: Soon, you will understand who you truly are, Y/N. And when that day will come, the world will tremble before you power

Return to Y/N

Y/N: This hotel sure is big........

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