Chapter 1

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Harry walked down the great hall looking at all the injured and all the dead, he couldn't stop thinking 'I did this' 'those people died and hurt themselves for me'. 

"Harry dear, you're bleeding. Let me take care of that" Madam Pomfrey said, making Harry sit down on ones of the fold out beds that had been had been set up in the great hall. Madam Pomfrey pulled out her wand and muttered a spell which healed all his wounds and scars, except for the one on his forehead of course because a scar that came from such a terrible curse is unhealable. After Madam Pomfrey was done she said "off you go dear, a pretty red head has been trying to find you um I think her name is.." She began saying

"Ginny Weasley? Yeah I know" Harry said "thanks" he said before walking off to find his girlfriend. Well ex girlfriend, it was all confusing to Harry. He had kind of broken up with her last year but he still loved her. He remembered back at Bills wedding when he had let himself kiss her, he couldn't stop thinking about it. 

"Harry!" Yelled a soft voice that sounded like angels in his ears, Harry turned around to see that beautiful face he had been looking for.

"Ginny" he said in a low voice, Ginny ran up to him and hugged him tightly. She was glad to see that he was still alive. When Harry was carried into Hogwarts by Hagrid hours before, Ginny had thought he was dead. Something had sparked in her when he jumped out of Hagrid's arms.

"you did it Harry! He's gone" she whispered in his ear.

"Ginny?" Harry asked, making her look at him "I should have said this before Gin, I Love You okay" Harry said looking at with loving eyes, Ginny blushed and looked down and back up at Harry.

"I Love You Too" Ginny said moving her arms to around his neck, Harry kissed her softly but passionately, this time it was longer then he had kissed her before. They pulled away from each other and smiled. 

"Ey, We don't need to see your snogging" groaned a person from the portrait on the wall.

"Shut Up Arnold, it's probably the best thing to happen all day" said a woman in the portrait next Arnold.

"Second best thing" said a voice from behind Harry. "I'm sure defeating the darkest wizard of all time is the best thing to happen today" 

"Professor Mcgonagall" Harry said turning to face her "is the school repairable?" Harry asked, worried that he had caused so much damage to the school because of course, in Harry's head he believed that this was all his fault.

"oh yes, it is indeed, In fact it should be repaired by the end of summer. I am hoping you will be returning for your seventh year Mr. Potter because to be an Auror seventh year must be completed" Professor Mcgonagall said with a stern tone returning to her voice.

"of course professor" Harry nodded with a smile.

"oh and if Ms Weasley here returns you will be in the same year because of course you have missed a year" professor Mcgonagall noted, before walking off down the stairs to attend to more important matters.

"Are you returning?" Harry asked

"Yeah" Ginny said with a small smile. "I'm sure Hermione will to but Ron won't" She added. Harry didn't think so either, in fact Ron was just happy not to be at Hogwarts studying this past year. 

"Yeah, Ron would probably help George with the joke shop now that Fred is gone" Harry said sadly. He didn't really get to know Fred well and Fred had died for Harry, tears came to Ginny's eyes. Harry pulled her into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry gin" 

"Don't be harry, it's just hard to lose family" She sighed. 

"I know" Harry said wiping away her tears, with his thumbs. "Let's go see the others" he suggested, grabbing her hand and taking her to her family. 

"Hello harry dear, how are you?" Mrs Weasley asked trying to smile at Harry but failed. Harry hugged her, It's all that he could think to do. But he knew that a hug wouldn't help fill the void.

"I'm sorry Mrs Weasley" Harry replied, with tears forming in his eyes. Mrs. Weasley senses the pain that he is feeling and tries her best to make him feel better.

"No Harry dear, don't be, in order to save some lives we had to lose some" she said 

"But it's my f.." Harry began, tears falling down his cheeks.

"don't go blaming yourself Harry, It is NOT your fault... don't you dare say that. Fred knew what he was risking, we all did." Mrs Weasley said sternly.

"yeah Harry it's not going to help, Blaming yourself" Mr Weasley said, he had the same sad look on his face as the rest of the Weasley's and this made Harry more upset. He tried his best to hide it by wiping his tears away, but it was obvious and Harry couldn't stand being around them when he blamed himself for their hurt. 

"uh, I have to go" Harry said walking out of the hall and to the Gryffindor tower. 

"Password!" The fat lady said, Harry looked around and sighed. He hadn't been to Hogwarts as a student in over a year... 

"I don't know is it golly wobbles?" Harry asked frustrated.

"It is actually" she said swinging the portrait forward and letting Harry in, Harry walked into the the common room and looked around. Not much had changed, except for the notices on the notice board, it said stuff like 'if you have a detention report to the dark arts room'. Harry then remembered what Neville told him before the battle "the kids practice jinxs on us" this was
Probably the worst thing Severus Snape had ever decided, Harry than realised that Snape was trying to protect him this whole time.
It had been two days after the final battle and Harry chose to stay at the burrow for the summer because he thought going back to privet drive was ridiculous. Harry was right Ron wasn't going back to Hogwarts for his 7th year but Hermione was, Ginny was as well which he was happy about.

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