Chapter 10

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"Gosh Ronald would you just get over it already, he has changed!" Hermione yelled at Ron furiously. Ron had a disgusted look on his face.

"he's a bloody Malfoy!" Ron yelled back angrily.

"I know what it is Ron, you're jealous" Hermione said with a small smirk on her face. Ron looked at the ground and didn't say anything. "You are Jealous aren't you? Thought so.. Nothing is going to happen between me and Draco, I would never even think of him that way, I never have" Hermione slowly. Ron looked up at her and gave her a small nod. He walked over and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry" He muttered. "I trust you and I shouldn't haven't gotten jealous" Ron said softly. Hermione smiled at him.

"It's alright Ron, it's a good thing you did anyway, at least I know you love me enough to be jealous" Hermione said. Ron nodded.

"That's right, I do love you, I love you so much" Ron said pulling her into another hug.

"I love you too" Hermione said kissing him.
3 months later a owl flew in the window at grimrauld place. Harry took the letter from the owl and opened the letter.

'Dear Harry
I was wondering if you'd like to speak to the whole school tomorrow night, ms. Granger and mr.weasley have agreed to join you if you wish to attend
Minerva Mcgonagoll'

Harry smiled down at the letter and looked over at Ginny. "What's that?" Ginny asked.

"Mcgonagoll wants me to speak to the whole school tomorrow night" Harry said casually.

"What about?" Ginny asked curiously.

"I don't know, I assume defence against the dark arts" Harry replied while he wrote a letter back saying that he will be attending.

"Am I allowed to come?" Ginny asked. Harry looked up at her. "You know, I miss Hogwarts"

"Same" Harry said. "You can come, I may need your help anyway"
"Good evening students My name is Harry Potter... Some of you may remember me from two years ago when I came to this school or some of you may know me as the boy who lived or the boy who survived the killing curse." Harry began his speech. He paused a looked around the room to all the faces staring back at him. "But as a baby it wasn't me who saved myself, it was my mothers love and although I survived it again after that it doesn't mean I always will and this is why defence against the dark arts is important to your studies, magic is suppose to be used for good and that is how I planned and still continue to use my power... For good and that's how each one of you should" Harry paused and looked over at his two best friends. "Obviously I'm biased because a dark lord was after me and a he also murdered my parents but when you think about it... It could have happened to anyone of you. So I suggest you study defence against the dark arts so you can fight for the greater good." Harry said finishing his speech.

"You did great babe" Ginny whispered. Harry nodded and thanked her. Ron than stood up on the podium and spoke.

"I'm Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend through out the years I knew that one day I would have to fight to make sure this world would be a better place... And when I did I chickened out to be honest but I came back, I didn't like letting people down so I fought for what I believed in. This is what defence against the dark arts does. It gives you a right to defend yourself and to fight for your belief's" Ron said loudly. He than stood off the podium and everyone clapped. Hermione than stood up.

"Hello I'm Hermione granger and I'm going to start off by saying that hard work always pays off in the end... But I'm just your average smarty and it is obvious of me to say that...what I really want to say is, this world can be harsh and horrible people live on this earth. A person who I didn't believe to be human lived on this earth.. He was once known as Tom Riddle. He made all the wrong choices, he strived for power and glory but he got this the wrong way, by filling people with fear. Tom had real potential to go far in life but he chose to be the enemy. But of course there is always this... A wise man named albus Dumbledore once said 'Its is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities' and I completely agree with him. It is your choices that show who you are so please make the right choice. Thank you everyone." Hermione said walking off the podium. Everyone cheered, Harry grabbed ginny's hand.

"Thank you for listening to our three speakers... You may all return to your dormitories" professor mcgonagoll said before walking over to us. "Those speeches were wonderful" she admitted.

"Thank you professor" Harry said with a smile.

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