Chapter 26

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"No trace of him in Surrey sir, we asked around and some muggles had seen him but he never stayed in the same place for longer than five minutes" Zac said. Harry nodded.

"Alright, thank you.. Get back to work guys, see if there are any more sightings" Harry said politely. The boys walked out.

"Well that's unfortunate" Severus muttered. He then looked at Ginny with a smirk. "I mean Ginny being pregnant with your child" he muttered with a laugh. Harry threw a book at him.

"Your are seeming more like Fred Weasley every day" Harry muttered as he shook his head.

"Well, if you're around that idiot for a year something is going to rub off on you" Severus muttered with a chuckle. Harry had never seen Severus so happy and he kind of liked it.

"Yeah, I get that but i would have thought Fred would have turned into you" Harry says.

"Yeah like he'd let that happen, we wouldn't have been able to survive if he turned in to me" Severus said. He didn't look as pale as he used to look, he had some colour in his face and his hair was slightly shorter.

"Did you get a haircut?" Harry asked with a smirk. Ginny looked at Severus in shock.

"That's a first" She said.

"Well I'm trying something new" Severus explained. Harry and Ginny stared at him for a moment and then they laughed. "What?"

"It's not really new, it's just shorter and less greasy" Harry said.

"Less greasy? Yes that is new" Ginny said with a laugh.

"Was my hair really that greasy before?" Severus asked, he raised his eye brow and Harry and Ginny nodded. They both tried not to burst into laughter.


I few months later the Quidditch game had passed, which they won of course and Harry resigned from his spot as seeker. Ginny's stomach wasn't showing yet but Hermione's was, she was at least two months more pregnant than Ginny.

"What should we name the baby?" Ginny asked one day out of no where.

"Henry?" harry said questionably. Ginny looked at him weirdly and shook her head. "Malcom" harry said. She shook her head again.

"Okay how about we pick a boy name and a girl name and then have a game of rock paper scissor and who ever wins shares the baby names they chose.. just write the names on the piece of paper" Ginny said. Harry nodded and grabbed a piece of paper. He got a pen and wrote two names quickly. He was actually a horrible namer. long story short Ginny won the Rock paper scissors match.

"Okay, you won, what names did you pick?" Harry asked.

"For a boy... James because that was your dads name and For a girl... Lily because that was your mums name" Ginny said. Harry smiled at her. "what names did you pick anyway?" Ginny asked.

"Well for a boy... Albus Severus Potter, For a girl... Alison Hermione Potter" Harry said. Ginny thought for a moment.

"you know, I thought they'd be worse and you even picked middle names... okay well for James it can be James Sirius Potter and for Lily it can be hmm... Lily Luna Potter?" Ginny said, Harry nodded, he thought it was a great idea.

"You are defiantly a better namer than me" Harry said with a chuckle.

"I know babe"


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