Chapter 3

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About a month later Ginny had moved in with Harry. Mrs Weasley was kind of upset about it but she knew it was going to happen someday. "Harry I got my Hogwarts letter but yours didn't come" Ginny said.

"Oh yeah... Gin, I forgot to tell you I'm not going back to hogwarts because I was offered a spot on the English Quidditch team, I'm going to take it" harry said. Ginny sighed and nodded.

"I guess I'm happy for you" Ginny sAid. Harry chuckled lightly.

"You should be happy for yourself too" harry mumbled. Ginny looked at him confused.

"Why?" She asked confused. Harry chuckled.

"They needed a chaser and I told them you were best for the job so they are offering you the spot as chaser" harry said. Ginny screamed and hugged harry tightly.

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much, thank you for that" she said having her arm tightly around him. He hugged back loving how happy she was.

"We will have to do 3 hours practice, 3 times a week but we get paid for it so we will be able to live... I was thinking maybe we could change up this house a bit, you know it reminds me too much of sirius" harry said. Ginny nodded.

"I agree" Ginny said. "It looks like I won't be going back to Hogwarts after all" Ginny said with the widest smile on her face.


"YOURE WHAT?!" Mrs Weasley yelled at her daughter. "I WONT HAVE ANOTHER SCHOOL DROP OUT" Mrs Weasley yelled at Ginny furiously. "You and Ron both not going back"

"Mum listen to me, I was going to go back but.." Ginny said but she was cut off.

"This better be good" mrs Weasley said raising her eyebrow.

"Me and Harry got a spot on the English Quidditch team" Ginny said calmly. Mrs Weasley's facial expression changed completely in that moment.

"You what?" Mrs Weasley asked making sure she had heard Ginny properly.

"I got a spot on the English Quidditch team" Ginny repeated. Mrs Weasley smiled.

"I'm so proud of you!" Mrs Weasley said hugging Ginny. Ron came down stairs at that moment.

"What she do mum? You were just yelling at her and now you're saying you're proud of her" Ron said really confused. Ron was now the only Weasley child to be living at home still.

"Your sister has been put on the English Quidditch team along with Harry" Mrs Weasley said proudly. Ron's eyes widened.

"Why didn't harry tell me this?" Ron asked himself confused.

"Maybe because you're a lazy Git and you won't visit him" Ginny said with a smirk on her face. Ron glared at her.

"By the way mum, I'm going back to Hogwarts because Hermione's going and I want to be an auror" Ron said. Mrs Weasley smiled and hugged Ron.

"Good choice" Mrs Weasley said. Ron frowned and looked at Ginny.

"It'll be weird without Harry though" Ron said. Ginny nodded. Of course he was right because him, Hermione and Harry always walked around together and now it would just be weird when it's just the two of them.


Harry walked into the ministry, he was called there because the new minister Kingsley Shacklebolt wanted to speak with him. Harry ignored everyone that stared at him as he walked to Kingsley's office door. Harry knocked on the ministers office door nervously. Kingsley opened the door. "Oh hello harry, come in" Kingsley said. Harry nodded and walked in. Kingsley sat down behind his desk and harry sat in the chair infront.

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Harry asked. Kingsley smiled at harry.

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to take a job here as an auror?" Kingsley asked. Harry looked at him confused.

"But don't I have to graduate to become an auror?" Harry asked.

"Well... Yes but there is an exception when a seventeen year old boy defeats the dark lord, you is probably one of the most powerful wizards of our time"

"So just because I'm Harry Potter, you're allowing me to become an auror?" Harry asked. He didn't want to take a job that he didn't work for. With the English Quidditch team he had to tryout 3 times to get the spot he has on the team. Ginny didn't have to tryout because no one asked to be the chaser and the coach Bradley Jacob was at the game when harry wasn't playing and Ginny was in Harry's 5th year so he already knew how good Ginny was.

"No.. Anyone that shows extraordinary talent In defending the dark arts has a chance to become an auror without schooling" Kingsley said hoping harry would say yes.

"Only if I work only on Tuesday's and Thursday's... You see Minister I got a spot on the English quidditch team" harry sAid. Kingsley nodded understanding.

"Tuesday's and Thursday's it is Harry" Kingsley said. "You can start next Tuesday" Kingsley said. Seeing as it was Monday, harry was happy that he had more then a week to prepare for his other new job.

Harry said good bye to Kingsley and once he got out of the ministry he apparated to the door step of Grimrauld Place. Ginny wasn't home yet so he decided he'd do abit more tidying up.

"Harry?" Harry heard a familiar voice. Harry walked to the front door and noticed it was Hermione coming in.

"Hi Hermione" harry said. Hermione walked up to harry worried. "What's up?" Harry asked curiously.

"I just ran into Draco Malfoy and he told me to tell you that it is urgent that he speaks to you" Hermione said. Harry nodded.

"Do you know what about?" Harry asked. Hermione shrugged.

"No but he looked worried, he looked horrible actually, terrible bags under his eyes" Hermione said sympathetically. Harry nodded.

"Why didn't he just owl me?"

"Well I suspect he's worried about interceptions" Hermione said. "He said he wants you to meet him at the Leaky Cauldron at 7:00pm" Hermione muttered. Harry looked at the time. It was 6:00pm.

"I better leave soon" harry said. Hermione looked at the time and nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you that, uh harry have you seen Ginny today?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah I saw her this morning, she said she was going to the burrow but that was a while ago" harry said, Hermione nodded.

"Okay, I'll come by tomorrow"

After Hermione had left Harry wondered what was so important that Draco had to talk to Harry about. Ginny walked in the door at about 6:30 pm. "Harry why are you pacing?" Ginny asked with a laugh. Then she noticed something must be wrong when harry didn't answer her. "Harry..."

"Draco Malfoy wants to meet with me in Half an hour, do you think he may be trying to trick me?" Harry asked. Ginny shrugged.

"I don't know harry, do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I can go by myself... I just need to go prepared" Harry said thinking as he kept pacing.

"I'm sure it's nothing too serious" Ginny said stopping him from pacing. Harry smiled at her.

"I need to go but I'll be back around 8:00" harry said. Ginny nodded and kissed her boyfriend before he left.

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