Chapter 22

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"GINNY" Mrs Weasley snapped. Ginny's face turned as red as her hair. Everyone looked at Ginny confused and angry but no one said anything.

"Guys, it's not what you think, I'm really happy for you two" Ginny said after a while.

"Then why say it" Ron snarls.

"It's a long story" Harry says. "There is a prophecy on your unborn baby"

"That's ridiculous" Hermione says unbelievably.

"After everything we have been through Hermione, I'm surprised you didn't believe that" Harry says disappointed. Hermione frowns. "And you don't even know what the prophecy said"

"What did it say then Harry? Because if it was anything like yours then I pray for this child" Hermione says as she rubs her stomach.

"The prophecy said that a Weasley girl born in November will defeat all evil in her time of life, she will not be killed by evil, she will live a long healthy life" Ginny says before Harry could say anything. "Everyone thinks the prophecy is about me and I want to keep it that way because I don't want that baby to be in danger" Ginny says bravely.

"People will find out eventually that you were born in August" Mrs Weasley says. "And I wouldn't want my only daughter to be in danger, they've already locked you in a cell"

"Correction mum, they locked people out" Ginny says. She then looks at Ron and Hermione. "I'd risk anything for that child because that prophecy has to come true"

"Well now we know that it's a girl" Ron states, he then sits on the couch and picks up a wizarding magazine. Ginny rolls her eyes.

"You chose him to be the father?" Ginny says to Hermione. Ron throws his magazine at Ginny. "Hey I'm kidding, that hurt" after Ginny says this Harry hits Ron with a rolled up magazine. Ron glares at Harry.

"You're all so childish" Hermione says sitting down.
Less than two weeks later Michael Corner still hadn't been seen or heard from and today was the day before Ron and Hermione's wedding.

Harry was preparing for the bachelor party. It was weird, Harry wasn't really into the whole party thing. Lee and George had organised the whole thing and Harry had no idea what they had planned. Harry put up a black button up shirt and some black jeans. Ginny had made Harry more stylish as they lived together, she bought him clothes that were more modern and Harry loved this. "You ready?" Ginny asked from behind him. Harry turned around and smiled at her.

"No, I hate parties and you know that" Harry murmured as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned up and kissed him softly.

"Be careful with the girls" Ginny said softly into Harry's ear.

"Oh no" Harry groaned. "What are they planning?"

"We'll all I know is there will be girls there, veelas apparently... I'm worried" Ginny said. Harry grins.

"Oh come on gin, I love you and no veela can stop that baby" Harry said trying to sound sexy. Ginny laughs and pushes him onto the bed. She gets into of him with her legs either side of him, she then kisses him. Harry pulls away hopelessly. "Don't you need to get ready for you bachelorette party?" Harry asked putting his hands on her hips.

"Yes but it sucks, there won't be any alcohol, the bride is pregnant" Ginny complains. Harry chuckles and pulls her down to kiss her. Ginny pulls away and gets off of him. "You're right, I better get ready"

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