Chapter 14

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"I want to see him" Ginny says.


"I need to see him right now" Ginny demands. Harry sighs and shakes his head.

"You can't yet, he's at the ministry... I don't know how long they are keeping him there but all I know is Kingsley isn't going to let him out just yet" Harry says looking at the ground waiting for her reaction.

"Well surely you being the head Auror, you could let me see him" Ginny snaps. Harry looks up at her frowning.

"You have no idea how badly I want to give you what you want but I'm not even allowed to see Fred yet. Ginny I've tried but Kingsley won't let me" Harry says sadly. Ginny's face goes read, she walks towards the front door angrily. "Where are you going?" Harry asks walking after her.

"To the ministry"

"Ginny no. No matter how hard you try he won't crack" Harry mutters.

"Well I'm just gonna have to try" Ginny growls, walking out the door and slamming it shut behind her.

"She scares me when she's angry" Harry mutters to himself. He walks over to the couch and lays down drifting into a light sleep.

"Harry wake up" Hermione says shaking Harry. Harry wakes up and runs his eyes.

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Harry asks confused.

"Ginny has been arrested" Hermione says worried. Harry gets up fast.

"What did she do?"

"She hexed Kingsley" Hermione says. Harry lets out a laugh. "It's not funny Harry, she's locked up at the ministry for now but she could be sent to azkaban for attacking the minister"

"You're right, I need to go to the ministry" Harry says. "I'll see you later" Harry says before apparating to the ministry and walking to kingsley's office.

"Hello Harry" Kingsley says while looking down at his paperwork.

"Let her out" Harry demands.

"No" Kingsley says flatly.

"What even happened" Harry says getting angry. Kingsley looks up from his paperwork.

"She hexed me after I continued to refuse to let her see her brother" he said flatly once again. This makes Harry clench his fists with anger.

"I thought you were one of the 'good guys' Kingsley but I was wrong. All you wanted was this stupid job. Dumbledore wouldn't have approved of not letting Ginny see her brother she thought to be dead... No wonder why she hexed you" Harry spits. Kingsley looks hurt.

"She broke a law"

"Yeah because you were being an asshole, what are you doing with Severus and Fred anyway.. Why is it so important to keep them locked here?" Harry asks demandingly.

"I need to retrieve there memories of the last year and they won't allow me to see them" Kingsley says annoyed. "They won't see family until they cooperate"

"Kingsley you have no idea what you are doing, Severus' memories are very private and I've seen them, I know he doesn't want other people seeing that and Fred has been through a lot, he doesn't want people to see that" 

"Fine, Severus and Fred can go but Ginny is staying here."

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