Chapter 11

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It was the day when Hermione and Ron returned from Hogwarts. They had finally finished there last year at Hogwarts. "I can't wait to see Harry" Hermione said smiling "we haven't seen much of him this year and it has felt very odd" Hermione said. Ron nodded in agreement.
"Hurry and get dressed Harry, we have to get to the burrow before Hermione and Ron get there" Ginny said throwing a shirt at Harry.

"Well look at you! You're still half naked!" Harry said and as he threw his t-shirt... (You should already know what they just did).

"Oh shut up" Ginny said as she started to put on a short black dress.

"You know I liked it better when you didn't have the dress on" Harry said with a smirk.

"Well I liked it better when you didn't have that shirt on" Ginny said winking at him.

For about a month there had been a lot of this, it was kind of a cycle flirt, kiss, sex, flirt , kiss, sex.

"Okay we can't start this again" Harry muttered as he pulled on his pants. "We have to go" Harry said as he waved his wand to make his hair fall flat.

"Don't do that!" Ginny groaned, she walked over to him and ran her hands through his hair to make it messy again. "You're much sexier with your hair the way it is" Ginny mumbled as she leaned In a pecked him on the lips.

"Thanks babe, let's go" Harry said. Ginny glared at him.

"Look at my hair, I don't think I'm going anywhere with sex hair" Ginny complained, as she was saying this Harry waved his wand effortlessly and her hair looked amazing. Ginny looked in the mirror and smiled. "You're amazing"

"Now let's go"
"Harry dear!" Mrs Weasley said with a huge smile on her face as she pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"Hello Molly" Harry said hugging her back. Mrs Weasley pulled away from the hug and went over to her daughter.

"What have you done to this boy... He's calling me Molly" Mrs. Weasley said.

"I fell In love with him" Ginny muttered.

"And I fell hopelessly in love with her you see?" Harry admitted. Mrs Weasley looked at Harry and smiled.

"You're the perfect guy for my daughter" Mr Weasley said as he walked in with Ron and Hermione.

"Ron, Hermione!" Harry said as he ran up and hugged them both tightly.

"Bloody hell Harry, no need to strangle me" Ron said with a chuckle.

"Sorry... I just missed you guys" Harry admitted.

"Is George here yet?" Ron asked Mrs Weasley.

"Yes, Charlie and bill are too... They are waiting at the table... Dinners ready" Mrs Weasley said as she motioned them to walk into the dinning room.

As everyone started to eat dinner Charlie spoke about how a dragon burnt his back and it took 2 hours to heal fully by magic, Mrs Weasley was concerned. George spoke of business at his shop.

"The kids are wanting new things but I have no good ideas" George said hopelessly.

"Well I'm sure something will come to you real soon" Hermione said trying to cheer him up. George nodded and thanked Hermione even though it didn't help.

After a while dessert came to the table and Ron stood up. "Before we have dessert I'd like to say something" he looked over at Hermione who sat next to him. "Hermione when we first started at hogwarts I was a complete arse to you ... I knew I liked you from the start but I didn't want anyone to know so I made a complete arse out of myself and I'm sorry for that... I'm sorry I took so long to let you know how I feel and I just want you to know that I love you so much, I don't ever want to lose you... So I'm asking you a question that could change everything..." Ron said taking a box out of his pocket and getting down on one knee. Hermione was in tears, Ron looked in her eyes "will you marry me?"  Ron asked hopefully. Hermione opened her mouth say something but the words didn't come out so she just nodded. Ron smiled and wiped her tears away "I love you" he said before kissing her. Everyone around the table clapped.

"You really out did yourself with that speech Ron!" Ginny said as she ran over and hugged her brother. "Never thought you'd have the guts"

"Oh wow thanks Gin"

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