Chapter 13

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Harry's eyes widen, he waits for the spell to hit him and for death to fall upon him. He's been hit by the killing curse twice but right now he knows for certain that he's going to die. Harry closes his eyes waiting for the spell to hit him and he thinks it does when he gets pushed towards the ground. "Open you eyes you idiot, the spell didn't hit you" a voice scowled. Harry open his eyes and he couldn't believe it, he blinked once, twice and three times but it was still the same.
Severus Snape was leaning over Harry, he looked different though, he looked pale and he had dark bags under his eyes, his robes were slightly ripped and dirty.

"Severus.." Harry muttered. Severus ignored him, Severus stood up and looked at the aurors.

"The death eaters fled when they saw me" Severus said softly but emotionlessly. "Sorry" he said with a small smirk. Harry then stood.

"You're dead... I mean you're suppose to be dead, why aren't you dead?" Harry said. Severus chuckled, this was a sound that Harry had never heard come out of his mouth.

"Yes well at last second I decided I didn't want to die so I drank anti venom that I prepared earlier and I used a spell to fix my wounds... It was quiet simple actually... I'm actually surprised of how stupid that dark lord was to not kill me with the killing curse" Severus explained.

"Yes... You're different, you're telling more jokes than usual"

"Well when you're around a Weasley twin for a year without break that's what happens" Severus said with his famous smirk.


"We all know it isn't George" Dylan said, Harry looked at Dylan and than to Severus.

"Fred" Harry said, Severus nodded. "Where is he?" Harry asked.

"Well he should be back right about.... Now" Severus said and Fred popped up right next to Severus. "You need to quit doing that" Severus groaned.

"Sorry old sevvy" Fred laughed. Severus glared at him and Fred put his hands up in surrender.

"Why did you two fake your deaths?" Harry asked becoming angry. Fred's smile fades as he looks at the expression on Harry's face.

"Um well" Fred says while scratching the back of his head. "It's a difficult situation... I had been knocked out from the explosion for about a day, when I finally woke when I was getting covered in dirt" 

"You never had a funeral did you?" Harry asked. Fred shook his head.

"No, anyway I apparated out of the hole while I was getting buried to hogwarts... I was covered in dirt and I was starving" Fred muttered not wanting to remember that day.

"Then he found me" Snape snarled. Fred chuckled.

"Don't act like it was a curse, you're still sane because of me. Anyway I found Severus against a tree in the forbidden Forrest" Fred continued. "His body was still healing, the potion he took was taking longer to heal him than usual"

"Well that's because it was a bite from a horcrux" Severus muttered.

"Anyway.. We apparated to his home on spinners end and we ate and Severus healed while I also stayed there, two weeks later ministry people came to look at Severus' house"

"Then we left, we decided to pretend we were dead for a while longer, we didn't know you were alive Harry... We thought Voldemort was at power" Severus admitted standing there uncomfortably.

"Well he's not, I killed him" Harry muttered harshly. The aurors behind Harry grinned.

"Well done, I see you're an Auror" Fred says smiling. Harry nods but then glares at Fred.

"You have no idea what you put George though, he just finally accepted that you were dead and now you turn up alive" Harry spat. Fred looks at Harry taken back, then he looks at the ground and let's out a sob. "Are you crying?" Harry asks. Fred looks up with tears running down his face.

"He's alive?" Fred asks with a small smile forming on his lips. Harry nodded, then Harry realised that Fred had no idea what had been happening in the wizarding world for the past year, he had no idea that his family were hurting and that his twin brother could no longer do a patronus because of him. He didn't know, because Fred thought that his family were dead.

"Yes he's alive" Harry finally says. Fred wipes his tears and grins. "We better go to the ministry and you two are coming with me"

"Sorry Harry but I won't be going" Snape says in his emotionless voice.

"And why not?" Fred asks before Harry can say anything.

"They won't pardon that I was a death eater"

"They know the truth" Harry says suddenly. "They know you were a spy, they know Dumbledore was already dying and that he asks you to kill him, they know you saved my life many times"

"Then I'll go" Severus mutters.

"Harry you're home" Ginny says smiling while wrapping her arms around him. Harry kisses ginny's cheek and hugs her. "You were gone for so long, I had to make small talk with kreacher." Ginny says with a small laugh.

"Yeah it's been a busy, stressful, confusing day for me" Harry mutters. Ginny looks at him confused and drags him to the couch and makes him sit down.

"Tell me about it" she says softly. Harry gives her a smile.

"Okay but just brace yourself"

"Why would I need to do that?" Ginny asks confused.

"You'll see..." Harry says grinning. Ginny rolls her eyes. "Okay well Kingsley called me to his office and asked me to head to a small wizarding town because deatheaters were attacking it. So I got 5 aurors and we left for the town. While I was there a killing curse got shot at me" Harry says and then he pauses.

"You nearly got killed?" Ginny says in shock. Harry nods.

"Yes if it weren't for Severus Snape" Harry muttered waiting for ginny's reaction.

"No, he's dead"

"I also thought you're brother was dead but apparently we were all wrong about that" Harry says softly.

"You're wrong, I saw Fred get buried... He was dead, he died" Ginny said standing up looking at Harry angry.

"Well it was him!" Harry snapped. Then he started explaining what Fred explained to him.

"Wow" Ginny said sitting down looking shocked. "He's alive."

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