Chapter 6

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Harry walked to Draco's room in the leaky cauldron and knocked on the door. Draco opened it and pulled harry in. "Harry, they've taken my father to Azkaban" draco said quickly.

"No offence but how is that a bad thing, isn't your father one of the people after me?" Harry asked. Draco looked extremely worried.

"Yes but they are planning on breaking him out, this could also lead to other deatheaters escaping... You're the person they are after harry" Draco said running his hand through his hair. "My mother and I are stressed at the moment... My father has already put us through so much" Draco said worriedly. Harry put his hand on Draco's shoulder to calm him down.

"Listen Draco, I want you to go back to Hogwarts" Harry said. Draco looked confused.

"Why?" Draco asked confused. Harry gave him a small smile.

"You look like crap.. No offence... And you need to protect hermione, they will use her to get to me" harry said calmly but he could tell Draco was freaking out. Draco fell into an armchair that sat in his room and he sighed.

"You're right, I should go back to Hogwarts" Draco said with a sigh. "For Hermione"


The next day it was Quidditch training and Bradley released fifty snitches and told Harry to catch them. Harry managed to catch them all in 15 minutes. This really impressed Bradley.

"What's your name?" Bradley asked him. Harry looked confused.

"Uh Harry Potter" harry said. Bradley smiled.

"Congrats Potter, you won your name" Bradley said before walking off. Harry rolled his eyes and made sure Bradley didn't see.

"Good job harry" Ginny said smiling. Harry scoffed.

"He only likes people that know what they are doing?" He asked. Ginny nodded.

"I guess so"

"OKAY EVERYONE! LISTEN UP" Bradley yelled. Everyone's attention was on Bradley. "Our first game is on Saturday at 7pm so don't be late, over 3,000 wizards will be there" Bradley soda sternly and walked off.

"He didn't even say who we were versing" harry whispered to Ginny, Ginny shrugged, she didn't really care. All she wanted to do was play some quidditch.


Once they got home harry laid down on the couch, he was tired. "Are you nervous for Monday harry?" Ginny asked. Harry looked at her confused.

"Remember the death eaters that are in the ministry acting like ministry workers?" Ginny asked. Harry remembered and smiled.

"Of course, yeah I don't think I'll go in Monday, I just think it's better safe then sorry" harry said smirking.

"Okay" Ginny said laying next to him on the couch. "I'm so happy you're not going"

"Why?" Harry asked. Ginny smiled.

"Because I know you'll be safe" Ginny said. Harry wrapped his arm around her securely.

"I'm sick of fighting gin, I don't want to go into a fight that I don't need to go into" harry said softly. Ginny smiled and put her head into his chest. "I love you Ginny" harry whispered.

"I love you too" Ginny said kissing him.
On Saturday at the Quidditch match George, Bill, Fleur and mr and mrs Weasley came to watch the game seeing as Ron and Hermione were at Hogwarts. It was an hour before the came and harry was walking around the stands. "Harry!" Harry turned around to the person that yelled out to him. It was Neville and he had Luna with him.

"Hi Neville, Hi Luna" harry said smiling.

"Harry I can't believe your the seeker for Britain" Neville said happily. Harry smiled.

"I can't believe it either"

"Harry guess what?" Neville said smiling. He then put his hand in Luna's. "Me and Luna are together" Neville said with a happy smile on his face. Harry was so happy for Neville as he knew Neville had liked Luna for so long.

"That's great you guys, I'm so happy for you" harry said with a smile. Luna smiled.

"Are you and Ginny together?" Luna asked.

"Yes, we are"

"Harry Potter" a voice said from behind him. Harry turned around and saw a man with a top hat on, he wore round classes and a suit. He looked like a muggle.

"Uh yes?" Harry asked. The man walked towards harry.

"I'm sorry" the mans said looking at Neville and Luna. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to harry alone" the man said. Neville and Luna walked off and Harry looked at the man suspiciously. "My name is Xavier Mosbee, I am a writter of the Ministry of Magics new paper called 'big news', I was wondering if I could get an interview?" Xavier asked. Harry looked at him weirdly.

"I don't trust you" harry said slowly as he stepped back. Xavier smiled at harry.

"I know you being Harry Potter would make you have trust issues but I promise I'm not going to curse you" Xavier said with humour in his voice, yet there was a hint of fear.

"There has been intruders at the ministry recently and I won't trust any ministry worker" harry said turning around and walking away.

"Stupefy" xavier said. Harry wasn't prepared for this. He waited for the curse to hit him but it never did. Harry turned to see Ginny had put a shield between the two.

"leave!" Ginny yelled furiously. "Before I curse you" Ginny said dangerously to Xavier. Xavier gave Ginny a smirk and apparated away. Harry ran towards Ginny.

"What am I going to do? They won't stop ever, I need to go to the ministry on Monday and fight them"

"You won't harry, not without me"

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