Chapter 2

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Harry walked into Hogwarts, the building was still partially ruined and Harry had volunteered to help rebuild/fix. As harry walked over the bridge he repaired about twenty things because the bridge had partially been ruined. "Potter, are you sure you want to help, you look horrible" professor Mcgonagoll said. Harry looked up at her and nodded.

"This is my fault and I must fix the damage" harry said looking down at the ground. Professor Mcgonagoll looked at him concerned.

"If you think this is your fault then there is something wrong with you potter" professor mcgonagoll said. Harry shrugged sadly. He had been feeling quiet depressed since the final battle. "Go home potter, you are in no state to be helping out right now"

"But..." Harry began to say but professor mcgonagol cut him off.

"I forbid you to help" she said. Harry looked at her sadly.

"Fine" harry spat and he stormed out of the school. He apparated to to his godfathers house which was now his. He walked to his bedroom and flopped on the bed. If he wasn't allowed to help repair Hogwarts then he was going to do something with this house. Just as harry started cleaning with magic Ginny came into the house.

"Harry, why didn't you come back to the barrow?" Ginny asked. Harry shrugged while he bewitched a duster to dust.

"I live here now" Harry said. He then started picking up stuff that didn't belong and started putting it away.

"Harry but hogwarts..." Ginny said. Harry cut her off harshly.

"You know what? I'm not going back this year Ginny... Hell no" Harry spat angrily. He didn't mean to lash out at her but he was going through a rough time. Ginny hugged because she sensed that he was going through a rough time. Harry hugged back and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"I love you Ginny, I'm sorry" Harry said. Ginny wiped his tears away.

"Hey... I love you too, don't think things are your fault harry. Everyone was fighting for something" Ginny said. Harry nodded and leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back and pulled away giving him a small smile.

"I still don't want to go back to Hogwarts" harry mumbled. Ginny looked at him with loving eyes.

"Don't you want to be an auror?" Ginny asked. Harry nodded and moved away from her.

"Yeah well, idk Gin, there are so many memories there" harry said frowning. Ginny put her hand in his and looked in his eyes.

"There are good memories there, our first kiss was there" Ginny said with a smile. Harry smiled lightly.

"I met my 3 best friends there" harry said smiling.

"See, some bad things might of happened there but good things happened aswell and this year you can create new good memories" Ginny said putting her hand on Harry's cheek smiling. Harry leant down and kissed her passionately. Ginny pulled away.

"Harry I need to go..." Ginny started to say but harry cut her off.

"Stay with me please" harry said with pleading eyes. Ginny thought about it, she looked into his eyes and nodded.

"Okay" Ginny said. All she wanted to do was make him happy and that's what she was doing now. Harry smiled and pecked on the lips.

"I love you Ginny, please don't leave me" Harry said. Ginny finally realised what this was about. Harry was scared that Ginny was going to leave him like his parents, godfather and Dumbledore, all people he cared about.

"Oh harry" Ginny said as he saw tears form in Harry's eyes. "It's over... No one is going to hurt me like they did to them"

"How do you know that?" Harry asked. "death eaters are still out there" Harry said as tears fell from his eyes.

"I'll be fine harry" Ginny said. Harry tried to wipe his tears away but they just kept coming.

"I just don't want to lose you Ginny" Harry said. Ginny hugged him tightly.

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