Chapter 28

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"Wait, Hermione... I uh I'll come with you" Draco said. Hermione smiled and held onto his hand. They apparated to 12 grimmauld place. "Are you sure that's good for the baby?" Draco asks concerned.

"I researched it and it's fine" Hermione admitted. "I'm Hermione Granger, do you think I wouldn't research anything before doing it... I'm all over this pregnancy thing"

"Weasley and i Wouldn't have doubted you for a second" Draco admits. Harry and Ginny walk into the hall way where Draco and Hermione are.

"Draco?" Harry asks confused. (Mind that both Ginny and Harry know Draco's little secret)

"Hi Potter, Happy Birthday" Draco says nervously.

"Yeah, happy birthday Harry, I was in Diagon alley and I ran into Draco" Hermione said with a smile. "We were friends in 7th year" Hermione states. Harry and Ginny both know this.

"That explains a lot" Ginny mutters.

At that moment Severus appears in the room with a skinny, long haired boy. "Michael Corner" Harry says. Severus pushes Michael towards harry.

"Tell him" Severus demands.

"I'm not a death eater" Michael says nervously. He lets out a sigh. "I did lock Ginny in the cell but that's because I loved her and didn't want anyone to get to her and I didn't kill Harley's parents... That was an empty threat. When it happened I panicked and I ran." Michael explains.

"He has drank a truth telling potion" Severus states.

"What disappoints me Michael is that we dated for how long? And you still don't know that my birthday is in August" Ginny says with a laugh. "That prophecy is baloney"

"I think not, Hermione Weasley is pregnant. Her baby will be a Weasley" Michael stated with a chuckle. "I might have got it wrong at first But defiantly know now... News travels fast in the wizarding world" Michael says with a smirk.

"How can people think I'm pregnant? I know I've gained a few pounds but really? Pregnant?" Hermione said with a laugh. Michael chuckles. Harry groans and grabs onto Michaels arm.

"I'm arresting you for breaking into the ministry cell room and for threatening an Auror. You'll get atleast 3 years in Azkaban for that" Harry said.

"Oh lovely" Michael said sarcastically. Harry apparated to the ministry.

"Liar Hermione" Draco said with a smirk.

"I had to, I've got to get those ingredients for the concealment potion soon." Hermione muttered. Draco nodded.

"I'll get them tomorrow, let's just celebrate Harry's birthday" Draco said. Severus cleared his throat.

"I have quite a few concealment potions at my house... I could just give them to you" Severus offered.

"Yes, thank you" Hermione said. Hermione turned to Draco. "Now tell us Draco, what is your patronus?" Hermione asked. Draco's face went paler then it already was. Ginny suddenly went into a coughing fit and Severus looked at them confused and also like they were idiots.

"Uh, i don't think that's a good idea" Draco said. Harry then apparated into the room.

"Uh that was just fantastic" Harry said. He stopped speaking because he could sense the tension in the room. "What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Just trying to get Draco to show us his patronus because I didn't know he could do one" Hermione said. Harry automatically turns into Ginny with the fits of coughing. Hermione rolls her eyes. "Come on"

Draco glares at Harry and Ginny who a coughing. "Shut up" he says. They are suddenly quite. "I'll show you then" Draco says sadly. He takes out his wand with a shaky hand. He looks directly at Hermione when he says the words. "Expecto Patronum", an otter shoots out of his wand. Hermione stares at it and then she looks at Draco.

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