Sir Nighteye Meets Izuku

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A month had passed since All Might reconnected with the Midoriya family.

Inko made sure that he ate a healthy balanced meal under her supervision, especially with his prescribed medicine. She took care of his bandages when he came over to their house every other day. During this time, he stayed away from the crime scene, only ever bringing attention to villains to nearby heroes who could take care of the job easily.

He didn't transform into All Might because even if he tried, Lucario was there to put a stop to it. And by the end of the month, Toshinori was doing much better and moving around with more ease than before. His injury had also already started to form into a nasty scar that warped almost the entire side of his torso.

But he had the support of a loving family that wanted to see him better and make sure he was cared for. The more he spent time with them, the more he regretted not opening up before.

When he was fully healed thanks to their care and medical help, he didn't automatically jump back into hero work. Instead, he planned a day to go and visit Nighteye to let him meet Izuku.

So he set a time to go to Nighteye's Psychic Pokémon gym. Sir Nighteye had always been a Pokémon gym leader, and he often defeated the challengers that came to his gym. When he wasn't at the gym preparing for battle, he was battling as All Might's sidekick.

The only thing All Might was worried about was if Sir Nighteye would make Izuku battle against him to prove how worthy he was. He knew his friend's track record of wins, so he hoped that Izuku would impress him by showing what All Might had seen when he first saw him.

A promising hero to all.


When Toshinori appeared for dinner at the Midoriya house, he exclaimed that he had news to share with them.

Anubis watched as Izuku freaked out over the invite to Sir Nighteye's psychic gym. Inko looked just as excited, though she hid it by telling Toshinori to finish up his protein.

Next to Anubis, Lucario chuckled as All Might quieted down from the loud announcement to eat more of his meal. Anubis looked behind him to see all of the Pokémon spread throughout the room.

Izuku remained on the edge of his seat for the rest of the meal and went to sleep early that night. All of his friends were either resting in his room, outside in the living room, or in their pokéballs.

Anubis rose from his position against the wall outside Izuku's bedroom to walk quietly outside. He made sure that his footsteps were light as he passed by the family of Pokémon all around him.

He had begun a habit of reading outside, and practicing his English to use more vocabulary. After completing a chapter in the book, he placed a bookmark in between the pages and closed the book.

He got up from where he sat to stand in the grass of the backyard. Quietly he began to train by punching and kicking the air. While he trained, he thought about how All Might and Lucario went into battle together, imagining what he and Izuku would be like when Izuku was older.

A feeling of dread started when he realized that infamous light started to take over his body. Right away, he slapped it away only to find that there was no light at all.

He looked up to see the porch light was pointed down at his position and breathed out calmly. He didn't want to evolve yet. Not until he could evolve with his friend and be by his side at an equal start. When Izuku was older, he would finally be ready.


Midoriya was excited about today. Toshinori was taking him to see Sir Nighteye at his Pokémon gym. Izuku has always wanted to go because he wanted to battle All Might's sidekick and talk to him about being a hero. He was going to get that chance today!

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