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After the little surprise from Sakura, Izuku remembered that Sakura was recovered from a facility that experimented on her and realized what that meant. He relayed the information to All Might after praising Sakura for a job well done. All Might nodded from the news. After that, the rest of Izuku's friends showed their four moves as well.

All Might clapped his hands together, "Okay, now to begin the training."

All Might released his Pokémon friends from their pokeballs.

Lucario stood proudly at his side while the rest of his comrades were unleashed.

Gallade, who can mega evolve, was revealed first. Right behind him, was Poliwrath, Machamp, Throh, and Sawk. Izuku held back his fanboy freak out at the familiar Pokémon that helped All Might frequently with his fights.

"With me and my own Pokémon here, we can start the official training. To begin, I will send Machamp out," At his words, Machamp stepped forward and cried out, "then you have to decide the Pokémon on your team that can be used effectively against him. This is like a pop quiz of sorts to see if you know most weaknesses and strengths.

Izuku nodded and thought hard about which Pokémon will be better suited. Fighting types are weak against Psychic, Flying and Fairy. Wait, Fairy!

"Kyu!" Izuku shouted out his answer as Kyu stepped forward.

All Might nodded. "Yes Fairy type is effective against fighting, and I have mostly fighting types on my team. So what are fighting types strong against?"

Izuku rubbed his chin in thought, "Um, Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and...."

"Steel," All Might finished for him. "Very good! So you know anything else about the Pokémon on my team?"

"Poliwrath is half Water type, Lucario is half Steel type, and Gallade is half Psychic type." Izuku relayed the information excitedly.

All Might's smile widened, "Yes, good job, young Midoriya! Now continuing on with training, I would like you and your Pokémon to train their moves on this beach when you have the time. This will allow them to become more familiar with their moves and allow them to become stronger. 'Level up' as most would say. My Pokémon and I will help you become more aware of your abilities."

Izuku nodded happily while his Pokémon friends looked excited. Adora danced in circles around Makaria while she hopped in joy.

All Might continued by saying, "I will also be here to help you learn about the other events with Pokémon like the battles to become a trainer, or the Pokémon performers who show off their Pokémon's talents in front of an audience. I'm sure your Amaura would appreciate the performance art." Adora smiled in agreement.

Izuku giggled, "I have always wanted to see what an actual performance looked like, I have always seen them on television like the Pokémon battles." Izuku said thinking about all the times he watched, hoping he would get Pokémon friends. He smiled when he looked back behind him with Makaria and Anubis looking to be in an argument.

"Well, I would be happy to show you a performance! There is one happening a week from now, would you like to attend it with me? But you have to ask permission from your mother of course, and she can come to, if she wished." All Might offered, avoiding the knowing look from Lucario, concerning the way he flushed at Inko's mention.

Izuku lightened up and started talking to Alł Might concerning the next event while the pokemon chatted with each other.

All Might's other Pokémon talked to Izuku's to help them gain a better understanding of what they were capable of. Lucario took Anubis under his wing while the others separated. Sakura was taken in by Poliwrath and Gallade went over different strategies with Adora. Machamp talked with Makaria while Throh and Sawk helped out Kyu and Koi.

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