Two Surprises in One Day

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The smoke from the explosion waved in the air as sounds of people shouting echoed. 

"Sob?" Sobble sniffled still in Midoriya's embrace. Zarius was gazing at the explosion before looking back at his fiery tail like he had accidentally caused it somehow.

"I think that's where the villain is," Midoriya commented.

"You might be right on the mark with that guess," Yagi said before sighing. He gripped his shirt while paying attention to the nearby explosion. "But I can't just hop over there as All Might,  I might run out of time before I even defeat the villain."

"Then you have to run there as a civilian," Midoriya replied. He turned his head and luckily saw a door at the end of the rooftop, a door that meant that there were stairs behind it. "Quick! Let's take the stairs."

Midoriya scooped up Sobble as Mimikyu situated herself right in her favorite position on his shoulder. Yagi made a confused noise before following him. Lucario threw open the rooftop door as Midoriya and his father figure ran towards the exit. Zarius chased after them with Lucario grabbing onto him as they followed after the two humans.

The two rushed to the scene without any problem until they faced the familiar sludge villain once again. Except this time, he was surrounded by a crowd, scattered heroes who were standing on the sidelines, and several fires that threatened to grow bigger as time passed.

Midoriya stepped closer to the ring of people until he could finally see past their heads to see what was happening. And once he did, he was shocked.

It was Bakugo.

His Arcanine was barking at the sludge while swaying on their paws, desperately trying to work past whatever poison they were hit with. Larvitar was trying to swipe at the sludge, but kept being pushed back.

Midoriya watched as Bakugo freed his arm once again to aim an explosion behind him at the sludge. Bakugo coughed once the sludge backed away from his mouth, taking a deep breath before the sludge overtakes him again

Izuku looked behind and found no one behind him. He surveyed the area until he realized that his step dad was probably finding an empty place to transform.

But with all of these people around, it might take a while to find a perfect place. And he knows what that choking feeling was like. No matter how hard he fought back, it was only 40 seconds before he started to black out from the lack of oxygen and the force of the villain pushing his way inside with their tendril.

"Hey, he can't breathe! Please! Do something!" Midoriya pleaded, Zarius poking his head around his waist.

"We're trying, kid. But none of our quirks can work that well against him," Death Arms defended himself as Machomp held out his arms and blocked the view of several civilians and stopped them from coming closer. Kamui Woods' Sudowoodo trying to walk to Bakugo's confused pokemon who were desperately trying to get to their friend. But the Sudowoodo was only getting attacked by Arcanine when they got close.

Midoriya looked down at all three of his pokemon friends before making a very rash decision. Well, it wasn't much of a decision since he did it even though he was moving until he was running right past the Sudowoodo.

Zarius went to Larvitar while Arcanine was dealing with Kamui Woods' pokemon. Sobble jumped to the ground and started to freak out by being so close to the sludge villain. Sobble backed away from the villain as Izuku went directly to the sludge and started to dig in with his hands, Mimikyu jumped off his shoulder to use shadow claw against the jelly-like substance. The claws landed right on the villain's eyes, making them flinch back hard.

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