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Izuku couldn't have imagined his life would be this amazing.

Just this last weekend, he celebrated his sixth birthday with all of his Pokémon friends and other human friends that he considered close family. Everyone showed up, even All Might after everyone went home since his patrol ran a little late like last time.

His ghost shrine friends showed up with Jackie right behind them to catch up. Jackie seemed to be fitting in quite well with them, considering they seemed so happy when talking to Nyx and everyone there.

Emerson was fitting in quite nicely with a Lycanroc since his mother had adopted him into family. He formed a close almost fatherlike relationship with Lili. Lycanroc was still teaching him the ins and outs of the house like he couldn't really nap on the top of the bookshelf anymore.

Quinn was fitting in the family very well. She loved to nap on Izuku's bed next to his fluffy stuffed animals. Quinn liked to replicate her Halloween Ghost costume by creeping under his bedsheets to nap under the warmth.

Speaking of costumes, Diana, Charlotte, And 2 haven't taken off their leather jackets at all. When Aizuku asked about it, Anubis shrugged and told him that they really like the jackets. So the three still wore their leather jackets to this day. They just wear them everyday on since the jackets were pretty comfortable.

Kiku had gotten him a huge pokeball bean bag pillow that he just sinks into. His mom had gotten him a special watch and new clothes that feature cute Pokémon. His Pokémon got him special little gifts they made. Professor Touya gifted him with a Pokédex for his future encounters with Pokémon.

Speaking of the Professor, he was going to the site today!


Izuku showed up to the site to the sight of Touma waving at him.

"Hello, Izuku. Are you ready for today?"

"Yes!"Izuku agreed as he followed Touma inside. Once inside, he went straight for the food to feed the Pokémon friends all around the site. He released his Pokémon friends to go play while he did his job.

When Izuku got to Snorlax, he realized that the Pokémon was in deep sleep. Izuku made sure to leave the large amount of food at his side while Kyu watched from a short distance away.

But when Izuku went to leave he ended up tripped backwards onto Snorlax. He stiffened up, out of fear that the Snorlax might be angry he woke him up from his nap entirely. He let out a small gasp when he felt large arms envelope him a hug, bringing him close to the Snorlax. Kyu snickered as the Snorlax began to treat Izuku like his own personal teddy bear. Izuku blew his hair out of his face as he heard the professor approaching where he was.

When professor Touma got there, he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing too loudly. He smiled as he helped Izuku out from the strong grip of the sleeping Pokémon.

"Come with me," Touma said, leading Izuku towards the research site. Kyu jumped onto his shoulder for the ride. Anubis and Ebony joined when they saw him following Touma to the building.

Touma smiled gently as he walked with Izuku, "So, Izuku since you are older, I want to teach you early on about Pokémon eggs."

"Eggs? I get to learn how to raise eggs?" Izuku asked, his face growing excited at the thought. Ebony flew next to him as Kyu rode on his shoulder. Anubis walked right beside him while the rest of his friends were hanging out in the site center with all different types of Pokémon.

"That's right," the professor responded with a nod as he led Izuku inside one of the many rooms inside the research center. The room contained many pictures of Pokémon with their offspring and charts with Pokémon evolutions. On the table was a large egg inside a mobile incubator. Izuku eyes widened as he walked inside his eyes landing on the egg.

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