In the Near Future

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Current Number of Pokémon: 38
Pokémon mentioned in this chapter:
Mimikyu: Kyu
Riolu: Anubis
Marshadow- Mallow
Bagon- Ace
(I will just list how many are mentioned since I don't want to copy and paste the entire list since it might get confusing or tedious that way)


Toshinori had been working with Izuku for months on the more advanced training to prepare him for his quirk. He made sure to balance time between all his aura training, his strength training, and his basic fighting training.

Hakamo-o helped add to Izuku's practice with Pokémon battles from how high level they were and how skilled they were without Toshinori. Despite being the newest member of his team, Hakamo-o fits in well with the team after a week of getting to know the other Pokémon friends.

As far as teaching Izuku, he didn't need to add more training for Izuku since his daily schedule was more than enough, especially with Izuku training himself in the bow and arrow. With his current training, it wouldn't be long before it was time to give him One for All.

When that time comes, he knows he will need to have Sir Nighteye help along with Gran Torino. He found out when he told Gran Torino what exactly was his plan. And from Gran Torino's expression, he knew he would need to reform the plan and have the other two men help Izuku on his journey.

While balancing training and fighting, he is setting more time aside to help plan the wedding with Inko.

Years of being single and now he was marrying a kind woman and he just knew that Nana would approve of her. Inko was nothing short of amazing. She worked hard in her life, raised her son after divorcing her husband, and was nothing but a supportive figure.

She supported him in any way she could whether it be making sure he ate his meals or fussing over the smaller injuries he had gained in fights.

Although wedding planning was harsher and harder to do than he originally thought. There were several things to consider like traditional customs and more modern customs that take on more westernized ideals. And settling on smaller details like what kind of food to serve, what flowers to have, and other meaningful things that the wedding needs. When he tried to seek help from his old mentor, Gran Torino laughed in his face before running so he wouldn't get dragged in.

Thankfully, Sir Nighteye and Tsukauchi were able to talk with him about the topic of planning it. Even though neither of them is married, they did help pin down some good venues like remodeled shrines and small venues enough to fit their modest guest list.


Izuku sat in his room after a session of training with aura alongside Anubis. He was sketching out his hero costume with his tongue sticking out in concentration.

The noise from his Pokémon friend playing inside his room and down the hall was like pleasant background music as he drew out another draft of his costume.

"How colorful should I make it? All the colors? Maybe one or two colors? I know I want a utility belt with a customized Pokeball pouch," Izuku mumbled as he sketched out another picture of an idea. It fits more like a bodysuit with a color scheme of green and navy blue.

He shifted his eyes over to a draft with more of a warrior type of outfit with plated, scale-like armor on the arms, chest, and knees.

"What kind of support items should I have? Ooh, maybe I can learn more about the bow and arrow and add that to my costume," Izuku said to himself while Mimikyu hopped from his bed onto his desk to see what he was drawing. He tilted the notebook towards his first friend, "What do you think, Kyu?"

Kyu leaned close to the page before butting their head against the armored suit. Midoriya hummed in response, "Thank you. Hey, do you know where I put the bracelet material! Ace and Mallow's friendship bracelets need a bit of repair and I don't know where they are."

Mimikyu hopped down from his desk as his gaze followed after them. His eyes landed on the small case of the needed materials peeking out from beneath his bed.

"Thanks, Kyu. Couldn't do anything without your help," Izuku said, lifting Kyu into the air before his friend settled into her place on his shoulder. With that, he turned back around to sketch out more of his future ideas using an armored look for his future designs.


"So what have you been looking at?"

"A few venues," Inko answered as she scrolled through a couple of articles as Hisashi stared past the video call camera. "I was looking for something more modern since our wedding was more traditional."

"Ah, I get it," Hisashi responded as his Torkoal snored behind him on the computer screen. "How's Izuku doing?"

"He's doing very well in school and Toshinori is making sure he is improving in his training," Inko ticked off a box on the paper in front of her. She might just have a quick ceremony in her backyard since it wouldn't be that large of a guest list. "Oh, he loved those speakers you got him. His Psyduck uses them a lot when watching his calming videos. Well, before they evolved."

"Wow," Hisashi whistled in appreciation. "How many Pokémon have evolved? Better question: how many does he have?"

Inko choked back a laugh while her Delphi's passed behind her to try and grab at Beedrill flying through the air. "That is a question there is no definite answer to. I know there are more than twenty in this house. But he has other Pokémon friends that aren't technically his."

"Double Wow," Hisashi laughed. "Well, I'm glad he has so many friends. He won't ever be lonely with all of them around him."

"I'm happy because of that too," Inko smiled, thinking back to the last time she had ever seen Izuku withdrawn.

The last time he acted so lonely was before he had met Mimikyu. She still thinks about when she saw him bouncing a ball against his bedroom wall while an All Might movie played on his computer.

And the following week he had come back with a huge smile on his face and a ghost Pokémon on his shoulder.

She still wonders what life could have been like if her son didn't have his friends by his side. What would their life be like if that were to happen? Whatever the answer is, she doesn't care about it since her son is happy and healthy.

No matter what the future brings, Inko is going to be ready for it to protect her newfound life.

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