Short A/N

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If you don't know, I am also on Ao3. This story is posted as well. I will catch this story up to the length it is on Ao3 tomorrow for those patiently waiting for update.

Also, sorry for not responding to any messages. I can only respond to comments it seems because Wattpad isn't sending an activation email to me to allow me to respond to any conversation, make any announcements, or responding to ah private message. I don't know wha the deal is, but just so everyone knows...if you want to talk...I think you have to use the comments for now since I don't know how to use Wattpad apparently...

But yes, tomorrow I will update these stories to the point that Ao3 left off. (The username is the same Passing_Ghost_Friend). And start to upload my other stories slowly onto this platform as well.

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