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Izuku wasn't expecting the reaction he got from his elementary class when he walked in with his new Pokémon, Kyu. Kacchan recognize the Pokémon from yesterday and automatically gave him a nasty glare when he walked in with them on his shoulder. The rest of the class had shocked expressions because they could not believe that someone quirkless got a Pokémon. Mimikyu was staring the class down, daring them to make a sound against their new friend.

"Sorry. Kyu didn't want to go into their pokeball today," Izuku said sheepishly with a smile. Mimikyu responded with a chirp of "Mi!"

The teacher was very surprised that Izuku had a Pokémon, but they still went on with the lessons for the day. All throughout the day, however, all of his classmates kept looking back at him and Mimikyu. Mimikyu would change positions throughout the time he was there. At the beginning he stayed in his shoulder and looked at the notes he was taking. Next, he was sitting on his lap and pretending to take notes of their own on a piece of paper that Izuku gave them. During lunch time until the next class, Mimikyu was sleeping on top of his school bag taking a nap after eating all the berries and snacks Izuku had packed for him.

By the end of the day, everyone went back to normal as they could be now knowing that Izuku had a Pokémon, but at least he doesn't have more than them! Yeah they all had at least two, he had only one!

Izuku hummed as everyone went home even Kacchan went home, which was surprising since he would take this time to nag on Izuku to never become what he wanted to. Izuku decided since the day was turning out to be a good one, he should train Mimikyu at the shrine today.

"You ready to train, Kyu?" Izuku asked receiving a short nod of approval. He looked into Kyu's eyes to see a look of determination. "Okay! Off we go!"

Izuku walked back to the abandoned shrine that the rest of his ghost Pokémon friends were. Izuku trained Mimikyu alongside him as the ghost gang either watched on or helped Mimikyu in battle. Izuku took down notes after each battle categorizing which moves to use on fellow ghost types that would prove more effective.

After an hour, he called it a night for the training and instead played with the ghost types with Kyu before heading home a more long way. He made a note last time that he would pass the beach with the road he picked. Sooner than later, Izuku and Kyu passed the Dagobah beach when the home was setting. Bright orange and pink lighting illuminating the clean beach. Izuku smiled at the sight while Kyu's eyes widened at the beautiful scene. Kyu's eyes traveled along the beach until they started to make a loud sound of, "Kyu! Kyu!"

At Mimikyu's worried sounds, Izuku looked to where their shadow hand was pointing. Izuku gapsed at the horrid scene of Kacchan and his two groupies kicking around a poor Magikarp. Izuku ran up to them with Mimikyu growing increasingly upset. A tall blond who was jogging by in a tracksuit stopped at the sounds of a commotion to see what was going on.

"Hey! Stop it! You are hurting them! Leave Magikarp alone!" Izuku shouted as he ran up straight to Kacchan, flinging his backpack on the ground and protecting the hurt Magikarp with his body. Kacchan sneered before tasking cyndaquil to use ember aiming at Izuku's back. Mimikyu blocked Izuku from the ember with its disguise. Once the ember hit, its head flopped to the side. Kacchan scoffed at Deku's Pokémon before looking back at the worthless Deku with the equally useless Magikarp. Kacchan glared before turning around with his two groupies following behind him with the poke balls strapped to their belts.

The tall blonde hid from sight as he watched the group of bullies head his way.

Kacchan looked over his shoulder and mockingly called out, "A useless Pokémon for a useless Deku! What a match made in heaven! Ha! See you later, Deku!" Kacchan and his groupies walked away from the scene in the beach leaving Izuku's alone with the hurt Magikarp. The tall blonde peeked from his hiding spot to watch the little hero in making make his move with the Magikarp.

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