Dammit Doom/Aura Training With Anubis

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Bakugo Katsuki was not having a good time.

He had turned ten a few months ago and Deku had just turned ten last month. And with each passing year while his pokemon grew stronger in level and evolved, Deku just kept getting more.

"Where the hell is he finding all of these pokemon from?" Bakugo crushed a can of soda in his fist while Primeape did some sort of angry squatting dance behind him. Pyroar was striding next to him as they all walked together.

He had celebrated the day that Litleo evolved into a strong female pyroar. And everyone in class matched the excited energy. But Deku tried to say something which resulted in some measly Tangela to appear out of nowhere. Which stole all the attention off of him onto Deku since everyone was starting to really notice how many pokemon Deku has been spending time with.

"Sorry, Kacchan," Deku apologized while vines started to wrap around his torso. He could remember how that nerd looked back at Tangela and whined, "Terry!"

"When is he going to stop with this shit?" Bakugo complained, kicking off into the street from the sidewalk he was walking one Pyroar chuffed at him, nudging against his side when some of the cars were passing by. "Pfft. It's not like he could beat me in a real fight. He still doesn't have a quirk, and yet he still is prancing off without a care in his damn world.

'He's probably making all of his pokemon do the work for him,' Bakugo thought to himself as he reminded himself of how unprepared Deku really was. Pyroar nudged his hand which made him begrudgingly give him a scratch between the ears while they walked.

No matter how many pokemon Deku got, they weren't at the same level as his team. Because all of his team evolved. And yet, Deku's pokemon still hasn't gotten to her final form yet. Hell, his Riolu still wasn't a Lucario! It's been years!

Deku keeps saying how he is going to be such a great hero with his pokemon but he still isn't as strong as him! Even the extras in the class had all their pokemon evolved by now!

What the hell was Deku doing?!

"Oh look! Is it a pokemon?" A child's voice yelled out from somewhere to his right. He glanced over to see a small child approach what looked like a pile of eggs with a Cutiefly next to their shoulder.

He watched as the kid approached the pile of eggs only for the eyes to open.
"Exeggcute!" The pokemon shouted, making the kid bounce back from them. The kid ran off with a Cutiefly buzzing right next to them.

Bakugo scoffed at that reaction before looking back at the pissed off looking Exeggcute. With a grunt, he took out a poke ball. "Houndoom! Come on out."

Houndoom appeared as soon as Bakugo threw out the pokemon, making Exeggcute turn in his direction. Exeggcute immediately glared and shot out Bullet Seeds at them.

"Houndoom, Flamethrower!" Bakugo ordered, dodging out of the way of the bullet seeds. Houndoom let out an enormous amount of flame at the Exeggcute.

Exeggcute yelled at the fire, moving away from the direct blast, but still getting burned on its side. Bakugo ordered another flamethrower that the Pokémon couldn't avoid in time.

When they couldn't dodge it, they were weak which made Bakugo's eyes lit up while he pulled out a Pokémon ball. He threw it down, capturing the Pokémon inside. Bakugo waited until the ball stopped moving, and with the sound of a click, Exeggcute had been captured.

"Yes!" Bakugo grinned. He threw the pokeball up in the air and caught it again in his hand. "You did great, Doom."

Houndoom barked, nudging their head under his hand to receive scratches as his reward.

When he got home, he shouted out, "I got a new pokémon in my team."

"Way to go, son," Masaru complimented from the couch, his Nosepass glancing at him.

His mother called out from the kitchen, "That's good. Is it another fire type?"

"Dual type," Bakugo smirked. "Grass and Psychic."

"It's nice to see you branching out to new pokémon for your team," Masaru added with a smile.

"It's just for me to get stronger," Bakugo said, avoiding his dad's knowing look and how Pyroar seemed to laugh at him with their chuffing. He turned to his Pyroar with a frown, "Shut up, King."

At dinner, all of the pokémon were eating their own food around them as Bakugo ate his spicy curry. Exeggcute was scrambling to eat the pile of food in front of them while surrounded by Bakugo's fire pokémon.

After they all ate, Bakugo headed up to his room to finish his homework before going to bed. But his pokémon never make anything easy.

"Blaze, Explosion," Bakugo called out which made his Combusken and Typhlosion pause in the middle of fighting. "Can you stop? I can't do fractions with your damn fighting."

"Power! What the hell?" Bakugo yelled as Primeape jumped off his bed to attack the other two to reignite the fight.

Exeggcute rolled over to him until they reached the wheels of his chair. He looked down to see the pokémon avoiding the others. "Hah?"

Exeggcute glared up at him which reminded him about what he needed to do.

"And, you are... Murder," Bakugo said. He smirked down at the pokémon staring up at him before the sound of books falling interrupted him. He turned slowly to see Doom and King wrestling on the ground. "Dammit!"


Midoriya Izuku is having a great time.

He had just turned ten last month and a lot of his friends had evolved within the past year. Jessie evolved into Wobuffet. Mercury evolved into Haxorus. And Griffin evolved into Garchomp.

After his birthday, All Might introduced him to exclusive training that Izuku would perform with his Riolu. Aura training. All Might has a special bond with his Lucario and learned how to use aura with Lucario there to help him.

"I met him as Riolu in my middle school days," Toshinori smiled. " And since then, our bond keeps getting stronger and so does the power of our aura."

Midoriya tilted his head, "Do you ever use the aura in battles?"

"I don't delve into the power all that much unless it is a really big foe that needs to be taken down," Toshinori explained, rubbing his palms together. "I can start training you both with Lucario. The training won't be anything too harsh or hard for now, something easy to ease you both into the power and strength of aura."

And since then, All Might has been taking small steps in training with him and Riolu even if the training right now was only strength training and meditation.

"Anubis can not use any big aura moves now, but he should be able to sense aura. This will help guide you in your training together," Toshinori commented as both Anubis and him were doing breathing exercises.

Izuku turns away to try and calm down his thoughts and relax only for his eyes to catch into a shadow hiding in a bush. Izuku blinked just to find the shadow disappeared again.

He turned his attention back to his exercise with Anubis relaxing next to him. He peeked to the side to see Kyu napping off to the side. He smiled before finally focusing back on his breathing once again.

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