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So far this is the Pokémon that Izuku has and their nicknames
Mimikyu: Kyu
Magikarp: Koi
Riolu: Anubis
Eevee:  Sakura
Amaura: Adora
Houndor: Makaria
Charmeleon: Zarius
Litten: Lili
Shedinja: Dagoto
Beedrill: Mataha
Shiny Lopunny: Diana
Tsareena: Charlotte
Ditto: Kagami
Bayleef: Deku #2 (2 for short)
Crobat: Ebony
Teddiursa: Quinn
Frogadier: Tsun
Shiny Axew: Mercury
Gible: Griffin
Stuful: Zuzu
Wynaut: Jessie
Brionne: Violetta
Rotom: Raisuto
Shiny Mareep: Rosa
Psyduck: Espy
Missingno and M: 404 and Duplica


Izuku was starting to get a bit worried.

It has been a few days since his mother and he has heard from All Might. All he knew was that he hasn't been seen since his fight with Toxic Chainsaw about a week ago. Inko hasn't heard from him at all, not even a single text message or voicemail. So the Midoriya family was a bit worried about whether to not he was hurt.

But while All Might was gone. He even caught his mom video-calling dad to talk to him about it. Even when divorced, they could still talk to each other like old friends. Dad didn't know that Izuku was being coached by All Might though, so they kept his name as Mr. M.

Inko slowly said, "I'm just very worried about him. He has never canceled plans or done anything like this. I think that he might be hurt,"

"I don't know what to say. Inko, I don't want you to be so stressed about this. If Mr. M is hurt, then he would contact you as soon as he can to tell you, wouldn't he?" Hisashi started to ramble, "I mean, that's what I would do. Maybe he just got called away on business to wherever he works... did he tell you where he works?"

"Uh, he works at All Might's agency," Inko answered back.

Hisashi clapped his hands. His Torracat in the background startled up from their small nest of blankets. "Well there we go, maybe he has his hands full since All Might is so busy."

Inko paused, "I just..."

"Inko, it will be okay. I'm sure that he will be back before you know it and you could all have tea and Katsudon and cookies. Oh my god, I'm making myself hungry," Izuku's mom laughed a little at dad. "I'm serious. What I would do to have you famous Katsudon right now. But alas, America doesn't have that same homemade flavor and essence that your food has. It can never compare!"

Izuku smiled at their interaction before slowly joining into the conversation over video-call. Marowak moved over to allow him to sit right next to his mother on the couch so his dad can see him in the camera's view.

Duplica and 404 were having fun relaxing in their new home life. They liked to hang mostly in the garden where some wild bug type Pokémon would visit. The only thing Duplica loved to do other than play outside was to keep duplicating the food and rare candies much to the other Pokémon's enjoyment.

During the weekend, Izuku had woken up to a commotion downstairs only to find multiple of his friends already evolved from the number of candies they ate. His green eyes met the unique green eyes of 2 in her new Bayleef form. Diana and Charlotte looked up to see him in their final form. Lopunny and Tsareena stood up tall to face their friend. Diana's pink fur was practically shining as her longer ear flopped down. Charlotte's long legs were dancing all over the place out of happiness while 2 was bopping her head.

Unfortunately, all of their matching leather jackets didn't fit anymore, so Inko promised to get them new ones made from the same material as their old ones. After that morning, Izuku tried to store away the rare candies in the pantry. The hiding spot didn't last long since he found Mercury and Griffin in their second forms that night.

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