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It was Izuku's first day at his apprentice job and he couldn't be more excited!

Professor Touma's long white hair was pulled in his regular intricate ponytail. He fixed his pale purple eyes on the toddler as he carried a bowl of food toward a Ralts hiding behind a tree.

Izuku approached shyly, "Hello, I'm here to bring you your food. I hope you like it!" He said happily as the Ralt from behind the tree peered over the corner to look at him. They blushed and hid behind the tree again. They didn't come out to get their food until Izuku walked away.

Touma watched Izuku feed the Pokémon while he fed the bigger ones their food. He noticed how kind Izuku would treat them. 'I definitely made a good choice having him as my apprentice,' He thought to himself feeding the tall Exeguttor their lunch.

Izuku was just as happy for his friends since they were allowed to make new friends with the Pokémon there! They were allowed out of their Pokémon and were able to roam free all throughout the facility. Sakura bounced between all the habitats, happy as can be. Kyu actually became friends with Pikachu when she hung out near the fairy types. Anubis listened to a Snivy while they talked on and on, gesturing wildly to themselves. Koi raced against other water types in the big pond while Adora danced with a near the edge of the water.

Izuku had placed the final food bowl for the small pack of Houndor at the fire Pokémon site, with some hesitancy at how rough they were acting. After he backed away, he noticed a lone Houndor long away from their pack. They were lying down looking longingly at the bowl of food. Izuku stepped away from the other Houndor to greet the lone with a small bowl of food.

The Houndor looked up at him surprisingly with overjoyed eyes before digging into their food bowl. Izuku giggled slightly at how much they enjoyed the food given. While the other Houndor rough housed, the lone Houndor finished their meal by themselves under the gentle watch of Izuku.

Izuku faced Bakugo's Houndor. They were meaner than cyndaquil from the way they fight, and they viewed life with a glare as menancing as Kacchan's. But this Houndor, she was different. She was kind of like him in a way. She spends more time by herself than with others because they look to ignore her presence. That is exactly what his fellow classmates do to him. She wasn't mean or menacing, she was gentle and lonely.

He knew what to do after she finished off the remaining food in the bowl. He smiled before sitting down in front of her. She tilted her head in confusion when he pulled out a red ball.

"Want to play Fetch with me?" He asked. Houndor's eyes grew wide.

Touma was genuinely surprised when he saw the reclusive Houndor hunting down a red ball that Izuku threw. He smiled as Izuku laughed at Houndor antics with a bush.

'I'm glad to know that she made a friend in my apprentice,' He thought placing a hand under his chin. 'They will be great friends by the way they act together."

Soon, it was Izuku's time to leave with his friends. Before saying goodbye to Professor Touma, he said a little farewell to the Houndor he played with.

"I'll be back tomorrow! Let's play together again!" He said excitedly as Houndor yipped in agreement.


It was already the second day, but he was just as prepared as the first. But when he went to grab the food bowls for everyone, Professor Touma stopped him.

Touma informed, "A mother and her child will come here to pick a fire Pokémon starter. I want you to accompany me while I give them a tour of all the available fire Pokémon friend to adopt into their lives. Are you ready?"

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