The Official Start

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"Ahh, who am I kidding? Most of you applied to hero schools! The only ones who didn't apply are our classes' own aspiring pokemon trainers!"

All of the classmates around him cheered in excitement.

In this world, kids were either dreaming of being pro heroes with their own specialized teams to boost or enhance their power or they were aiming towards being a pokemon trainer.

Pro heroes and Pokémon trainers do a lot for society in different ways.

Pro heroes have a team of pokemon fighting at their side to take down any threat or danger they may come across. They vow to save others and wing against evil all in the name of peace. Like this morning when he watched Kamui Woods and Mount Lady fight against a big shark headed villain with their Sharpedo.

Pokemon trainers have a team of trusted pokemon to battle at their side. They vow to go on a long journey where they have to go through endless battles with other trainers and gym leaders.

Others who fall under a separate umbrella are pokemon performers, rangers, professors and more. They aren't exactly like pokemon trainers, but they are still important to balance out the pokemon community.

There was a clear line between the two forces even though the line could be smudged at times with gym leaders being heroes or sidekicks becoming pokemon performers. Only the most skilled, talented, and trusted among them all could be both a professional pokemon trainer and a pro hero.

Pro heroes were undoubtedly the more authoritative out of the two, but the pokémon trainers definitely have their own type of fame that ranges from performances to regular battles. But either way, both titles demanded respect from the audience watching both sides.

He felt Kyu's ears flop against his cheek right as he zoned back into reality. He heard his old friend shout out, "—I'm going to UA and becoming the number one greatest hero to ever live!"

"I heard Deku applied for UA too!" One of his classmates shouted out. He didn't wince at the words since he knew something like this was coming since they were talking about the schools they applied to after all.

All at once, he tensed as Kyu stared out at all of his classmates who began to laugh at him.

"Even though he has a lot of pokemon, he won't make it without a quirk!"

Thankfully, Bakugo didn't make any move towards him, but it might have been because of Larvitar resting across on his lap. Or maybe it was the Arcanine wrapped around his leg since its body couldn't fit underneath the desk like it used to.

When classes finally ended, Izuku finally let out a breath he had been holding since most of his classmates started leaving as soon as they could. But his breath froze again when he saw Bakugo and two of his lackeys approaching his desk in the back.

Mimikyu jumped off his shoulder with an angry huff, landing on his desk which made the lackeys pause in their pursuit except Bakugo who kept moving forward.

"Why do you want to go to UA so badly, huh? You're just going to get in my way

"I want to be a pro hero," Midoriya shrugged in response. Bakugo sneered at his answer, picking up the notebook from his desk despite Kyu's attempt to slash at him.

"What with this shitty book?" Bakugo asked, shaking the notebook in the air before tossing it through the window that was still open from cleaning time.

"Why did you do that? You did have to go that far," Midoriya protested.

"Face it, Deku. You're quirkless," Bakugo leaned forward while his Larvitar stared up at the interaction in silence. Arcanine was watching the interaction with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "You won't amount to anything without your pokemon helping your dumb ass."

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