404 & Duplica

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It took them some time to get used to the new household. But it had so much more space than their old apartment had. And the old owners actually left behind some things in the shed that Izuku had discovered. One of the things that were left behind was a whole archery set up. There were targets, bows, and arrows that the original owner had left behind in good condition. It must have been an old hobby that the pay didn't want to take with them.

His mother had actually gotten him a starter phone, so he can call or text her. It was a simple flip phone that could only make calls and send texts. Raisuto could help him where the flip phone couldn't, they could tell him where he was and take pictures.

And after they officially moved in, Izuku was ready to take on a different adventure. He met with All Might at Dagobah beach. He furrowed his brow at the appearance of a small garbage pile beginning to form near the edge of the deck. He noticed that All Might has been getting kind of busy this week after they had moved in, but hopefully, he is staying safe.

"My boy! I have great news!" All Might remarked with a bright smile, "Violetta's old trainer has been dealt with accordingly from one of my friends, Tsukauchi. He works at the police station and he took care of the case. We won't have to deal with that trainer ever again. Ah, I do hope I get to introduce you to him soon. He has been waiting to meet you since I tell him so much about your progress!"

"That's great!" Izuku retorted before All Might went on to explain the next adventure that he thought that Izuku would like. It was supposed to be a relatively easy adventure that would allow him to explore an island just off the coast. It wasn't that far from the beach, it was small and used mostly for beginning Pokémon trainers that wanted to find a quiet place to rest.

The first step was to talk to an old man that worked at the fishing store near the end of the beach. He would talk to him about random things. All Might warned him that he might just show you how to capture a Pokémon at most. The old man was known to help out the beginning Pokémon trainers, so he might mistake Izuku for one of them.

And then Izuku would travel to the island by either surfing, sailing or the old man will call upon Laura's to give him a nice ride across the water.

After Izuku had explored the island, he could report back to the Laura's waiting for him at any time. It was a simple exploration, there wasn't any prize waiting for him. It was a simple journey. Although All Might did tell him about a myth about the island.

A myth of two Pokémon that weren't supposed to be on the Pokédex. They were a Bird and Norma type Pokémon.

"A bird type Pokémon? Doesn't that mean flying type?"

"No, bird type. It has been said that the two Pokémon are known to be the 'glitches'. Legend goes that they can cause hallucinations, change forms, go past any level that regular Pokémon could reach, and duplicate items. Their technical names are M' and Missingno," All Might explained. "But there has been no sighting of them at all since pre quirk era. It has been said that they either disappeared or are still in hiding somewhere. Myths say that they have been staying on that island. But there have been multiple trainers that visit the island and return without seeing them at all. They just return with a few berries and go about their day."

Izuku nodded, looking towards the water to spot the island a bit farther out in the water. It wasn't big at all, but it had many trees covered the green grass. "Well, I can't wait to see for myself!"

"Alright! Now, let's see about today's training. I was thinking that we do a bit of water training since the waves are looking especially good today," All Might said. Izuku nodded before bringing out Swampy, Koi, and Tsun.

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