More Friends!

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"Cro!" Ebony exclaimed as they flew around the site near the center while Izuku was waiting for the professor to finish explaining about the Pokédex.

"This Pokédex has over 800 Pokémon logged into it. Many Pokémon trainers try to complete the entire Pokédex by catching every Pokémon that is listed on it. This Pokédex is special since it is the newest version of it." Professor Touma explained, handing Izuku the bright red Pokédex that matched his favorite shoes."This special Pokédex also displays a map of wherever you are and it can show you maps of places nearby that you might want to visit, it can show you the habitats of Pokémon that you might have come across already.

Touma got a little alert on his watch before he could explain further. "Oh, one moment. I'll have to go check on the egg and the other specimens inside. Go ahead and check out your new Pokédex to see all the functions it has."

Izuku nodded, clutching his Pokédex to his chest happily while the professor went back into the site building. Izuku started at his new Pokédex with a tilt to his head.


Izuku looked up once he heard the chirp of a new voice. He looked for Anubis only to see he was still with the others near the other habitats a bit away from the clearing that Izuku was sitting in. Pidgeotto joined Ebony in the sky, so they could play a friendly game of tag together. Servine was watching Adora and Violetta dance near the water area from her flower bed spot in the forest habitat.

"Hello?" Izuku asked out loud, raising a brow in confusion. Izuku yelped when a happy looking Rotom flew right up to his face.

"Please to meet you! I'm Rotom!" Rotom introduced himself.

"Oh... Hi! Nice to meet you, Rotom." Izuku greeted with a happy smile. Rotom twirled in the sky before he looked very interested in the Pokédex. Izuku didn't have time to stop the energetic Rotom from jumping right into the Pokédex.

"Wait!..." Izuku said loudly before Rotom came to life from the Pokédex, "Whoa.."

"Welcome to your new Rotom Pokédex! I have heard a lot about you from Professor Touma.! You sound like a nice kid that I would love to help you!" Rotom explained as he twirled around.

"Wait, you want to be my friend?" Izuku asked.

"If you want me to, I would love to be, Master!" Rotom answered.

Izuku tilted his head, "You can just call me Izuku."

Rotom tilted his head in return, "Ehh, I'll think about it, Roto. Jr."

"Okay, I'll call you Raisuto then." Izuku smiled.

"Hmm, I'm not opposed to that nickname. Go ahead, Jr. Oh! Let me tell you about all the things I can do! You can take pictures with the camera installed.."

"Izuku!" Touma shouted out.

"Oop. Okay, I'll tell you later then, Jr!" Raisuto exclaimed as Touma came rushing to a Izuku. Raisuto floated away a short distance towards the Electric habitat.

"Izuku, the egg is hatching!" Touma shouted from the door of the site.

Izuku gasped before running after the doctor. His Pokémon friends were about to run after him before Anubis stopped them. "Hold it!"

"Wynaut!" Jessie exclaimed as they waddled with Zuzu.

"He is fine. Don't worry." Anubis looked over to see his friend rush into the site to see the egg hatch.

Izuku rushed through the halls with the professor until they reached the room with the egg. Touma ushered him inside to see the egg was rolling about with several cracks in the shell.

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