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Ebony- Crobat
Terry- Tangela
Sakura - Eevee


A year had passed since he had started aura training with Anubis. And aura training was harder than he thought it would be. Meditation was hard to accomplish when all his mind had endless thoughts racing inside.

And when he wasn't training, he was enjoying a lazy day with his mother, his pokemon friends, and Toshinori. Toshinori came over more often to enjoy a meal or just to spend time with him and his mother after helping out citizens during the day. He would come home sometimes with Toshinori helping his mother in the kitchen or helping with cleaning up around the house.

It felt... nice.

And since Terry came into his life, things have started to slow down for the better. He had more chances to train with his friends and play with them like any other day. He was getting better at the bow and arrows even though he still had a long way to go.

All in all, everything was peaceful.


But somewhere out there, the universe decided to start to test Midoriya Izuku further on how pure hearted the boy was.

Somewhere away from the mortal world, a pink Pokemon watched him interact with his friends with a happy expression. They knew it was time to see how he would react to even more challenges since he was getting older. Now it was time to test his reaction to more special kinds of Pokémon.


Midoriya walked with Ebony flapping their wings to stay atop his head while Kyu fought to stay on his shoulder from the wind. Sakura laughed at their interaction as they ran around Midoriya as he walked.

It had been an eventful day at school since Terry had caused a fuss during lunch when he took him out to feed him a snack. One minute Terry was eating, the next moment he was wrapping Midoriya and his desk together. He had no idea what happened except that Terry looked out the window with a weird expression.

Yeah... safe to say that Terry went back to his Pokéball very quickly after that.

Right in the middle of walking, a flash of light appeared and disappeared before his eyes. He whipped his head to the side to see a form rushing into the forest while leaves bristled behind them.

"Vee!" Sakura yipped before pouncing into the forest, past through the few bushes.

"Sakura! Wait up!" Izuku called out, rushing past the bushes to follow his friend into the dense foliage. Ebony screeched as they bumped into a branch. Izuku winced, "Sorry, Ebony. Are you okay?"

Ebony nuzzled his hand that Izuku brought up to touch them. Izuku smiled before confusingly following the trail that Sakura ran down. He heard the calls of his friend which made him quicken his pace to find them. He didn't want them to be injured by a wild Pokémon that was looking for a fight.

Izuku passed by another bush when he finally spotted Sakura bouncing up and down in front of a pile of green.

A pile of green...? That was breathing...?

He walked closer to see a coiled up green body that was very long. The body had yellow rings across the length of their body with clawed hands. His eyes gazed over the coiled body until his eyes caught on the red and yellow pupils staring at them.

Izuku whispered when he noticed the familiar appearance matching a description of one Pokemon that had heard about in the long stories that the teachers would cover in school. "Rayquaza..."

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