Mataha and Dagato has Appeared!

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Inko sat on a plaid picnic blanket with her helpful Pokémon surrounding her, helping her with distributing the food from the large picnic basket. She looked over to see her son playing with Makaria, Zarius and Lili. She smiled, she was glad that he was no longer hesitant toward fire. Inko noticed how often he would flinch when she would light a candle or when Delphox would use one of her stronger moves.

She thinks that it might be Katsuki that was making it that way. Inko didn't want to believe that the young boy was hurting her son. They were friends the last she saw of them, but what are they like now? She can only hope that Izuku is safe from harm from anyone because she wants what is best for him. Delphox seemed to read her mind, placing her paw on Inko's hand.

"I'm fine, Della. You don't have to worry. I just hope my son is safe and will stay that way," Inko responded, but she smiled knowing that Izuku's friends will do anything to protect him. Inko was so glad that he had Pokémon friend to help him out and take care of him from anyone who tries to hurt him.

Izuku watched as Zarius tried to run after Anubis while Makaria and Lili chased each other. Koi watched the action from his wagon while chatting with Sakura who transformed into Vaporeon to be next to him. Adora was swaying slightly next to Izuku while Kyu leaned on his head while sitting on his shoulder. He smiled, thinking, 'This is a great day. It's so calm and peaceful in the park. Best day for having fun!'

"Kaku!" A Pokémon's voice called out from behind him.


Izuku furrowed his brows at the sudden cries from close by. He turned around to see a green kakuna and a shedinja being kicked around by a few kids around his age, but slightly taller than his height. Izuku's eyes widened remembering a lesson that Professor Touma told him once about some Pokémon. Kakuna is basically immobile into they evolve into Beedrill, but they are capable of defending themselves with poison needle. Shedinja has great defense, but they are incapable of movement when using their hard shell as defense.

But by the sights of the situation, neither Pokémon can defend themselves against the kicks, the green Kakuna seemed to be tied up in string shot.
"Ha, I always wanted a shiny. Must be my lucky day." One of the kids say bending down to take Kakuna from the ground while they struggled against their binds.

Izuku frowned, heading straight towards the mean kids fast with Anubis following right behind him. Zarius looked at the danger and stayed behind Izuku and Anubis at a distance, just in case. Kyu jumped to attention from her sleepy state, getting ready to battle if needed. The others didn't seem to notice the missing boy just yet, none except Bewear. Bewear tilted her head before slowly following the others into the forest where she had seen Izuku disappear into.

"Hey stop it! They don't want to go with you!" Izuku yelled out to the mean kids with a frown.

The two looked up to see a smaller runt trying to stop them, "Yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to stop you!" Izuku stated confidently with Anubis readying his fists. Zarius breathed out a puff of smoke that let out a weak trail of fire.

"Oh really?" The taller of the two asked, puffing up his chest.

"..Yeah!" Izuku hesitated to say as confidently with the leering stares the other two had.

The kids snickered when Izuku posed with Anubis right next to him, ready his fighting stance. Zarius was about to move in before a large paw stopped him in his tracks. Zarius looked up before stepping back to allow Bewear to pass. The kids stopped their laughing while Kyu got into their position in front of Izuku. The kids started to run away from the look of anger on the sudden appearance of a very tall Bewear.

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