Chapter 5

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He starting writing about all kinds of random stuff and before he knew it he was sketching out things that escalated into sketching a drawing of Madeleine until Pomegranate walked into the room with some clothing. He shut the book quickly as she walked in. "So I got some new clothing from red velvet for you." Espresso nodded and got off the bed "Also would Madeleine be better in here or in the cage?" Espresso grabbed one of the hangers and walked into the bathroom.

"Well I believe he would be better in here with-" He cut himself off remembering the fact that they just kissed and he groaned again. "..With me-" He forced out trying not to sound to flustered he walked to the sink and took his glasses off then splashed his face with some water calming back down then trying the silky black and red clothing.

He walked out and bowed to pomegranate a bit "How does it look?" He asked her standing up again.

"Perfect it fits you well." She nodded and told him as he nodded back at her "So Madeleine shall stay In here with you?"

"Yes also can I get a coffee maker in here? I'm stronger when I have caffeine."

"Yes yes of course. I'll be back in a second."

Espresso nodded as she took the extra clothes out of his room. Then a bit later she came back in with Madeleine and a coffee maker she sat down on the table then walked out and shut the door behind her.

"Hey Mads?" Espresso said as he began making a cup of coffee.

"Hmmm?" Madeleine hummed in response.

"Why.." He started but then stopped at his face heating up again "Why did you kiss me earlier? Shouldn't you.. Love someone other than me..?"

"Essy. What's this all about?" Madeleine asked sitting on the bed waiting for Espresso to sit next to him.

"Well I mean.. I got us into this mess-" Espresso sat down and was cut off by Madeleine grabbing his chin and making him look up at the blonde.

"Essy.. Stop that.. It's non of your fault.." Espresso nodded just to please the male beside him as he let go of his chin. The brunette took a sip of his coffee the leaned on Madeleines shoulder without noticing. "Tired?" Espresso just nodded in response so Madeleine.

The brunette put his coffee cup down then let Madeleine lay him down and put his glasses on the desk. Espresso fell asleep as Madeleine climbed into the bed with him. After a bit Madeleine fell asleep holding Espresso loosely.

(This next part has self harm blood and razor blade mentioning so if you would like to you can skip this last part <3)

~Time skip~

The brunette randomly woke up at 12:37 in the morning. He slithered his way out of Madeleines loose grip and made his way to the bathroom. "Did they give me any sort of razor or- Oh they did." He thought to himself picking it up and slipping the safety cover off. He pulled his pants leg up revealing his thigh. "It helps. It just.. helps.." he convinced himself as he pressed it to his skin quickly swiping it across his upper thigh. He did that same process a few more times as his thigh began to bleed out.

He put the safety cover back on the Razor and put it where he found it "You deserve everything you get. The pain. The suffering. Everything." Those words rang in his head. They hurt but felt right all at the same time. He was so confused of what he should feel. He searched the closet for some of those large bandages and found the wrap around ones and the large ones. "Perfect.." He put some of the large bandages on his wounds then wrapped his thigh with the wrap around bandages.

"They're lying to you. They hate you." A voice that wasn't his whispered those words in his head.

"I know."

"It's all your fault."

"I've been saying that all along."


Espresso didn't respond to the voice this time.

"He's lying to.Your.Face."

No response.

"He pity's you."

"SHUT UP." He slightly yelled as the voice went away but the words rang in his head. "Never fucking bring Madeleine into this again bitch." Espresso said walking out of the bathroom to the bed with his thigh stinging extremely bad. He laid back down and ignored the pain falling asleep again.

753 Words

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