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Espresso had made his way to the bar through the crowd of people. The Christmas party was held in the ballroom of the castle. "Hey Espresso! I didn't expect you to come here." Sparkling stated leaning against the counter looking at Espresso.

"Neither did I." The brunette male was wearing a silky black overcoat with a darker red shirt. He had cloth black pants on with a black and red cape on. His hair had grown out a bit more to his shoulders so he decided that a ponytail would be best.

"Still into that red and black silky clothing?" The bartender asked. Sparkling was wearing his normal outfit except for a few tweaks to it here and there.

"Mhm." Espresso nodded looking around.

"Waiting for someone?"

"No. Just looking around." Espresso said. Sparkling nodded and began cleaning a glass. Madeleine had sat next to the brunette without him noticing and once he did he jumped "Mads! What the hell?! Make noise when you move goddamn it!" The blonde chuckled a bit.

"Hi Essy-" He giggled. Espresso scoffed a bit before giggling a bit as well. Madeleine had been wearing a white button up shirt and some white pants, he had a white cape on with a gem stone design on it, he had black dress shoes on while the brunette had black ankle high boots on.

Espresso sighed and looked around again and saw mint choco performing. Sparkling was watching in complete awe at one of his boyfriends as the red headed one sat down at the bar too. "You wanna go to the gift exchange or just head home so we can do our own shit?"

"Lets stay for a bit." Madeleine nodded and watch as mint choco continued his performance.

A few hours later the two had left and headed to Espresso's house "So you wanted to do something?"

"I got you something for Christmas! And I didn't what to show you at the Christmas party."

"I told you not to spend a single cent on me! I don't need anything Madeleine."

"I know but I wanted to."

"How much? How much did you spend?" Espresso asked pulling out his wallet and seeing how much money he has on hand.

"Uh around fifty bucks."

"F-Fifty?!?! Madeleine what?!"

Madeleine nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck. Espresso pulled out sixty bucks from his wallet and shoved the sixty dollars towards Madeleine. "Here, it's to pay you back."

"You don't have to-"

"I insist."

"Did you get anything for me? I mean you didn't have to-"

"One hundred seventy six dollars and forty seven cents worth."

Madeleine was stunned as Espresso walked away to get something and Madeleine took his gift out from behind the couch. The two exchanged the gifts and went to bed together.

(Lets put a new years part in here to-)

Madeleine was speaking with some people waiting for the New Years fireworks to start. The big ass timer board had five minutes left in it so Madeleine decided to find his favorite brunette.

Espresso was with Latte and Mocha, they we're playing around with sparklers. Espresso was having lots of fun making shapes in the air and so was his sister. Latte was giggling a bit because of the twins acting like children.

Mocha was wearing a nice black dress shirt with black pants and a belt. Espresso was wearing a black an red dress it was tight on the top and slightly fluffy on the bottom. He had one of Madeleine's hoodies on with his cape. The had the same dress shoes he had on at the Christmas party with his hair in a ponytail again, and Madeleine had the same outfit he had on at the Christmas party.

"Good evening my dear." Madeleine said behind Espresso. The brunette jumped forward then looked back.

"Again, make noise when you move god fucking damn it." Espresso said as Madeleine slightly giggled "The fireworks are about to start Mads." Espresso pointed at the timer saying one minute.

"Ooooo!!" Madeleine smiled as Espresso smiled at him as well. People in the crowd began counting down then Madeleine, Espresso, Mocha, and Latte joined in.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!" Party poppers went off and confetti was everywhere as fireworks went off Espresso giggled and smiled watching the fireworks as Madeleine just watched Espresso enjoy himself at the party.

761 Words!!

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