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This morning, one of my option courses was held in another building than where the faculty of psychology was located - and since it was a biology course with labs and experiments, we were told to bring protection glasses and blouse, as well as advanced notions in biology, physics and chemistry. That class was in the Forensics Sciences department, and only ten people or so were attending - needless to say I didn't know anyone.

Since I was late, I entered the class while the professor - and old piece of a man, very British by the way - was giving his speech: he sassily waited for me to occupy the only vacant seat in the whole class before continuing with his explanations. 

I find myself sitting next to a gorgeous brunette with caramel eyes, who was seemingly smaller than I am. Biting my lips, I sigh: she is exactly my style, but I said I'd never crush on anyone else before since, well... her. When she turns her face toward me after a few seconds, though, and gives me a smile that could melt ice, I just freeze and smile back shyly, on the verge of having an heart attack. 

Calm your gayness down, Williamson, I think to myself, trying to listen to what the teacher was saying instead. The girl was smelling like jasmin and strawberries, and if her hair were tied in a ponytail, I could tell they were rather long and very natural. 

When the teacher finally finished his speech about how to synthesize genomes and cells, and that we were supposed to start with our assignment in pairs, the girl slowly turns toward me, smiling again. 

"Hi" she says, and I immediately hear that she is foreign.

"Hey" I only say, before trying to get it together - c'mon Williamson, you said you wouldn't do those kind of stupid things such as falling for a stranger ever again, especially after what happened in Saint Ives... Realizing that the girl was staring at me weirdly, probably because my face is weird, I add: "So, I guess we'll have to work all semester together, uh... (I take a look at the name written on her badge) Lia Wälti."

She nods, smirking. 

"No need to make this alarmed face" she jokingly responds, raising her eyebrows. Her eyes were soft and naturally nice, as she adds: "uh...?"

I snap out of my trance - stop being weird, for God's sake.

"Leah... Williamson!"

"Nice to meet you, Leah" the brunette says in a low voice, before blushing slightly and concentrating on the task ahead. As she starts manipulating the tools we had at our disposal, she just stares at me again and says: "I bet you're not in forensics since I've never seen you before: Mr Green is kind of a dick, but if you follow my lead everything will be okay - I'm his fave student since he and my grandfather worked together."

This is when it hits me.

"Hans Wälti is your grandfather? As in the biology genius that was on the verge of discovering a treatment for cancer?" I ask, my eyes going wide.

She nods, visibly embarrassed to have this kind of attention on her.

"Yeah, he was amazing" she confirms, thoughtful. 

The two hours go on by very quickly, as our working group was working rather well - if not perfectly. While synthesizing the elements we had, Lia and I were able to exchange anecdotes and little stories about our lives, and since we hit it off pretty naturally, we just agreed on meeting once a week outside of class to grab coffee and advance on our project.

As she is about to leave, greeting me with a cute wave, I say without thinking:

"How about we don't wait for next week and go grab a coffee now?"

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