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Alexia: Hi. Went to the yellow wall you told me about, but it doesn't exist anymore, got destroyed last year. Hope you're doing well, once I get back in London we should definitely do a dinner like in old times (with Ingrid too, obviously). See you soon, never hesitate if I can do anything for you, xx

I crack a smile: although my whole life was falling apart, at least my constant since the beginning of my life still was there - it was my friendship with Alexia and Ingrid that would never change it seems. 

When I look up from my phone, I see Lia entering the lab, still not looking at me. Alright, now's your time not to be a stupid bitch and just tell her how you feel, I think to myself, putting my phone down and walking toward Lia.

The latter finally looks up at me, as I start shakily:

"I'm sorry."

Quite surprised, Lia just frowns.

"For what, exactly?" she asks, quite cold.

"I'm just... sorry, about my behaviour the other night... It's just, you caught me off guards, and-"

"What, does it surprise you that much that I like you?" the brunette asks, confused.

"I mean... no? It's just... I am terrible with people, let alone romantic encounters, and if I really wanted to just kiss you those past few days ever since you kissed me, well I've been held back... I am not a good person, Lia..."

The Swiss's eyes soften suddenly, as she takes a step closer to me, letting her samples on her work table.

As soon as she is right in front of me, she puts her hand on the side of my cheek, slowly caressing the back of my neck with her gracious and soft fingers, while also getting on her toes because of the height difference between us.

She stops only inches from me, before whispering:

"I don't think you're a bad person."

With that said, I am the one closing the gap between us, wrapping my arms around her waist, deepening the kiss quite immediately. Lia wraps her arms around my neck, as we both enjoy the soft sensation of our tongues dancing together.

After a few seconds, the lab's door opens, and when we jump off of each other, it's already too late: Pernille Harder is there, staring at us with her arms crossed, accompanied with another woman.

Coughing awkwardly, both Lia and I just stare at the ground, as our boss says:

"Excuse my employee's lack of professionalism - Wälti, Williamson, meet your new colleague: nuclear biologist and molecular analyst Lucy Bronze."

Both Lia and I awkwardly wave at her, while Pernille just rolls her eyes.

Almost immediately, the newcomer has a smirk on her face, quite amused by the whole situation, just comes and shakes our hands, before standing next to us.

After a few seconds, Pernille concedes:

"Well, ladies, now that the team is complete, you ought to start working on our new project."

As soon as she leaves the room, Lucy turns toward us - both still blushing - before commenting:

"Go gays."

To say that Lucy and I became friends immediately was quite an understatement: the rest of the day goes smoothly, as Lia and I would often stare at each other with soft eyes, knowing that we'll have to talk about us at some point, some time soon...

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