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I cannot believe my eyes.

She cannot be here... I thought I'd never see her again... but, as I blink and realise she still is there, I just start hyperventilating. On either sides of me, Lia and Jill - as well as Kady, who is sitting next to the Dutch - stare at me weirdly, as if I'd just lost my mind. She hasn't changed a bit: her arrogant facial expression, that looks like a resting bitch face, but very mean, is still the same even after all these years. The fuck, I thought you were in a psychiatric ward or travelling to latin America? Obviously, she immediately realizes I recognised her all at once, and when she winks at me, saying that she came here for me, to get me, I feel my jaw drop: I am fucking screwed.

As the teacher encourages her to introduce herself in front of the whole class, the brunette with slightly green eyes just says in a thick accent, directing her eyes right at me:

"Hi, my name's Katie McCabe, and I am joining this class to complete my credits from my program in the University of São Paulo in Brazil"

While the teacher urges her to take place, she sits in the front row, turning around from time to time, throwing murderous looks toward me.

Realising that just now, Jill asks me in a whisper:

"You know that chick?"

I nod my head, willing to throw up.

"Y-yeah, we were at school together at some point..." I say, before realising Lia had also tuned in the conversation, troubled. Sighing, I add: "Let's say she isn't my biggest fan..."

"Why? I mean, you're so cool, why wouldn't someone want to be your friend?" Jill insists, amused. 

"Um... it's a long story" I just say, setting my jaw.

And it was indeed, no lie there - although I wasn't really the good guy in this story and Katie wasn't a one-dimension bully that would harass me because I was weird: it was so much more than that. 

The class carried on until noon, as noises of chairs and tables are heard in the whole amphitheater, even seconds before the teacher stopped the class. After quickly staring at the font row, I sigh in relief when I see Katie was gone already - I know she wants to confront me, and it is totally deserved, but I am not ready just yet: I need to get my story straight, as I haven't told it for a long time now.

However, my relief is only temporary: when I walk out of class, Katie is right here waiting for me, her arms crossed against her chest. Making a quick sign to my friends that I would meet them afterwards - and Lia's suspicious eyes were just stressing me out even more - I walk toward her, and without a word she shows me the door that lead to a quiet garden outside of the building, so I follow her, feeling like I was going to my own execution or something. 

Setting her jaw, Katie jumps right into it: 

"It took me years to find you, Williamson: you're a hard woman to track down, it was as if you were hiding from something, am I right?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask, hissing nervously.

Katie has a cruel smirk.

"Let me get things straight : the intel isn't public just yet, but they found my father's body on Saint Ives' shores yesterday." 

My eyes go wide, as I cannot contain my shock and nervousness: Katie starts smiling, knowing that she did just enough to make me lose my balance, as I start playing with my hands.

Think fast.

"My condolences, Katie, I-" I try to say, but she cuts me off immediately:

"I've been waiting for this moment - for someone to find his body - for four years, 'cause it means I'll finally be able to take you and your friends down for what you did."

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