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It was day 3 of custody, and after endless interrogations sessions with the agents of Section 17, that I finally saw a familiar face ; only, not one I really wanted to see...

Lucy Bronze comes in, thanking the local police officers that were watching over the cells, before closing the door behind her. 

She then just faces me, before declaring:

"Allow me to go straight to the point: I am a private investigator hired by a person that chose to remain anonymous, whose mission it is to investigate on Harder Biometrics. We know you have been set up, and we know Pernille Harder and her crew are invested in something shady. I cannot tell you more than that, just know I am going to help you."

"W-what?" I ask, my eyes going wide.

"Please don't make me repeat all that, it was too long to even say it one time" the Brit articulates, as I just shake my head. After a few seconds, she adds: "If you repeat that to anyone else I will deny it. Are we good?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"Honestly?" I start, even amused by this unexpected situation, "I don't care as long as I don't go to prison"

"Great - keep your head low, I'll get you out in a matter of days.

With that said, the dark-haired walks out of the room before I get to say another word, leaving me all alone again. 

I sigh: it's gonna be a long day...



The past few days have been exhausting - both physically and mentally.

Apart from spending all my awake time trying to find a way to get Leah out of the shit she's gotten herself into - which, by the way, was torture because I know she's been hurting because of Lia's betrayal (poor girl, for once she started to trust someone again), and couldn't even go see her because otherwise it would be incriminating (especially since I was the only one who actually killed someone). 

Frida has been very soft and comprehensive - two personality traits I hadn't seen about her yet. She still takes a great pleasure to roast me as soon as she can, but she also has proven a great help those past few days. By her side, I was feeling safe, almost - and it had nothing to do with the bodyguards guarding us, but all to do with the safe place she seemed to have created for me. 

One of her colleagues, named Jill, told us she knew Leah from college and knew she had nothing to do with everything - therefore, she and Sakina started hacking Harder Biometrics (which would take weeks, given how complicated the codes are to crack), while Jordyn and Kosse were going over all the surveillance footage of Pernille Harder since her arrival in London. In other words: they were doing the hard work.

In the meantime, Frida and I were trying to establish a timeline of what really happened during Senior Prom Night, but without success so far. While we were searching together on the same computer, my phone rings, and when Alexia's name appears on the screen, I immediately pick up:

"Ale? Are you okay?"

"Hey, sorry for going AWOL, things have been crazy over there... Ada Hegerberg and Sam Kerr have been killed and they're re-opening the case about Mapi's murder..."

"This is crazy... And Leah going into custody-"


"What do you mean, 'what'? Zadorsky hasn't told you? They arrested Leah for Mapi's murder, without hard evidences. Frida and I are trying to-"

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