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Our faculty was holding a beginning-of-the-year party - very famous amongst the college students from all universities in Europe. I wasn't so fond on going, mostly because people are drinking too much and throwing up everywhere, but since Jill and Kady - my only friends here in London after being gone for so long - were going and that they insisted I come 'for the sake of friendship bounding', I gave in and followed them. 

As of right now, we were drinking warm wines, since the winter was slowly pointing its nose with temperatures slowly descending. If the wine was slowly getting into my head, I knew I wasn't at Jill's rate: the blonde was laughing her ass off, while Kady and I would just exchange amused looks, openly making fun of the Dutch. All in all, it has been a long time since I have felt this good, ever since I left Saint Ives.

While Jill just sat on the ground, claiming to be tired of us already - it was 8 PM only at this point - Kady just throws a look at me and says:

"Maybe it's time to get her some water, uh?"

"Sure, I'll go" I say, beaten. 

As the Black girl smiles, content, I slowly make my way to the bathroom, taking my water bottle with me to fill it for Jill. I place myself above the lavatory, with my reflexion on the mirror. While the water flows, I just stare at myself, and it had been so long since I haven't been able to look at myself in a mirror that I almost feel sick: where has the old Leah Williamson gone? And her innocence? 

Setting my jaw, I just look away and stop the water. 

Behind me, one of the toilet cabins opens, and I spot a familiar face: Lia Wälti, not looking at me just yet, visibly confused about something on her hand, comes out of it, and when she advances to the lavatory and spots me, she just smiles.

"Hey, stranger" she says with her sweet Swiss accent. 

"Hi!" I just say, basically gay panicking as always.

She has a smirk on her face and, as she washes her hands in silence, I just freeze, not knowing what to do at this time. 

Frowning while she looks at me, Lia asks:

"Do you often hang out in the bathrooms on your own?"

Almost choking in my saliva - why do you always need to be so fucking weird, uh? - I blush a tiny bit, as the Swiss girl finishes to wash her hands and dry them. Not really knowing what to say, I just respond:

"Uh... No, not something I'd do very often" I admit, quite desperate with my state. As Lia cracks a smile and stares at me intensively, I then add: "What are you doing here in a psychology party?"

"Well, I like warm wine, so I figures I might as well come and pretend I am a psychologist... Which is now out of the question since you have unmasked me, so I might as well ask you if I can buy you a drink?"

I frown.

"But drinks are free today..." I slowly say, before wanting to slap my own face.

Lia has a cute and melodic laugh, before only saying:

"I know, stupid - do you mind if I join you?"

I nod my head.

"If you don't mind a highly alcoholic and talkative Dutch girl and a sassy French one, then you're more than welcome to join us."


With that said, Lia walks alongside me as we go back to Jill and Kady - if the blonde hadn't moved since I left them on their own, Kady was now sitting with her on the ground, drinking and laughing loudly. When they see me, they start to applaud in order to mess with me, since they know how much I have being in the center of attention. Blushing like Hell, I sit down in their little circle, introducing them to Lia, who was actually pretty good at socialising with strangers - the total opposite of me, I must say. 

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