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Questions (please take a few seconds to answer those, even if you arrive late, because it truly helps me with the storyline in terms of trying to content my readers)

-  favourite ship and why?

- thoughts about the story so far?

- theories about the storyline? 



That morning, the air wasn't the only thing that's been cold: indeed, ever since I laid a foot on that lab where I've been working those past three weeks already, Lia hasn't even stared at me even once. I did not dare talking to her, because I know she would just remain silent and avoid my gaze. 

Fortunately enough, my phone rings, and when I see Alexia's number appear, I almost sigh in relief: back in our old days, I'd tell her every time I'd have a crush on someone, and she would just make fun of me while also being this supportive friend.

I immediately pick up, getting out of the lab - and I could swear Lia's eyes were on me for a second.

"Alexia?" I ask, surprised she'd call me.

"Olà, Leah, do you have a sec?" Alexia calmly answers.

Once I am out of the lab, I just say:

"Yes, but can I say something first? (while a meaningful silence fills the phone call, literally screaming 'come tell me already fucking bitch) I think I screw things up with Lia."

"You're cute classmate with a puppy face?"

"Yeah... She, kind of, uh... kissed me yesterday, and then told me she was feeling things for me... and then ran away... And I am freaking out."

"Did she run away 'cause you didn't say anything like the little tomb you are when you fall for someone?"

I leave a small silence over the phone for a few seconds, before saying in a shy voice:

"H-how did you know...?"

"Leah, honestly, I've been there all thorough your love stories, including the one with... (she abruptly stops, as we haven't talked about Mapi since she died) anyway, you should really just talk to her."

"Well, she could talk to me too!"

"Leah, she told you how she felt about you and kissed you, I think she's done her part. Now it's your turn..."

Another silence occurs, before I say:

"Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?" 

"Ada Hegerberg got killed - and she was running a huge drug deal apparently..."

"What? Ada? But she was the sweetest girl around!" I exclaim, just truly shocked. While police sirens and voices are heard around Alexia, I just continue: "Drug? What kind of drug?"

"Cocaine... Listen, Leah, I've gotta go, but I'll keep Ingrid and you updated as soon as I know more... Take care-"

She hangs up, as I just go back to the lab, until I hear high heels sounds coming out of the corridor, and then straight into the lab: Pernille Harder enters, a content expression on her face. 

Quite immediately, as both Lia and I are staring at her, she declares:

"Ladies, we've just had the green flag from the health department: our new project has been approved, and I can now tell you we are going to change the course of British justice with Project Alpha."

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