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I was feeling like my whole world had fallen over my shoulders.

Although it was bad enough that I was in a private cell in some unknown police place, probably going down for the ex-love-of-my-life's murder, what hurt the most was how Lia played me, while I was being 100% invested in the possibility of us. And, to be completely honest, I had fallen in love with her quite deeply - high over heels even - while she, on the other hand, was just pretending. 

Now there was that hole inside my heart again - once again

After hours without drinking or eating, alone inside my cell, I finally hear a door opening, and see two agents coming inside the room, whose identities I know because they're working with Alexia: Danielle Van de Donk and Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic. They both enter the room, before opening my cell and coming inside, sitting across from me in utter silence, making me feel uneasy.

After a while, Daan starts:

"For disclosure, Agent Putellas has not yet been informed about your arrest as she is conducting a sensitive case that might be compromised by the recent events. Agent Crnogorcevic and I will conduct the internal investigation regarding your involvement in Maria Leon's murder."

"The nature of the case has been reclassified?" I ask, worried.

This is it - I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in prison, and maybe I deserve it, I mean, who knows? Maybe I did in fact kill her. Ale and Ing can't take the blame for me, I'd rather be in jail than to see them go down with me. Setting my jaw, I just mentally add: If Lia betrayed you, then it means you deserve what's coming at you.

Nodding her head, Ana says:

"Indeed: new leads have come to our knowledge, and we were able to conduct another post-death examination of the body, which reveals hidden traces pointing at knives wounds. Maria Leon didn't die hit by a car, but you probably know this already."

Shaking my head, I just say:

"Look, I loved her - I would never have hurt her in any way"

"We'll see what the field evidences will say: MI6 is reopening the case, starting from zero - Jason McCabe is not longer a suspect, and his death is included in the murder charges. If I were you, I'd take advantage of the last accesses you'll have to a phone before a long, long time" Daan blurts out, nodding her head.

With that said, they both leave the room after giving me something to eat. 

As soon as they're gone, I burst into tears: I truly was on my own now, and I am going down this time.



The security guards Frida hired to secure her office at The Guardian were alert, as we both agreed it would be more secure not to work together in The Times again, in case another bomb was hidden or something. I called Sakina and Jordyn right after our meeting at the coffee shop, asking them to meet us in Frida's office.

When we get there, we hear conversations coming out of the said office, and when we walk inside of it, we see my two protégées rapidly walking toward me, both hugging me at the same time. Not really knowing how to respond to that sudden excess of affection: I awkwardly tap their backs, before pulling away.

They see how uncomfortable I am, so Sakina just says:

"We're happy nothing happened to you, boss."

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