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Unknown number: For the final act, you all have to come to Saint Ives, or your secrets will be revealed.


My eyes go wide. 

As soon as I got this text, my first reflex was to call Ingrid and Ale in a group video chat - but only the Norwegian responded. 

"You received the text, right?" Ingrid immediately starts the conversation at the heart of its subject.

"What should we do?" I ask, which also answered her question to some extend. 

"I can't reach Ale, but I guess it doesn't matter: we don't have much of a choice, actually... I'll take the 3:45 PM train, if you wanna come with."

"I'll be there."

We hang up, as I start packing. 

When the door rings, I jump a little, before rushing toward the door, thinking Ingrid was early and decided to come by. But it is a terrible désillusion when I realise it isn't Ingrid at all: instead, it was Lia Wälti.

As soon as I see her beautifully cute face, soft eyes and shy smile, my heart melts once again, until the hurt from her betrayal comes back. Those two ambiguous feelings start taking over my whole body, making me shiver.

I intend to close the door at her, but she holds it with her hand, setting her jaw.

"Please, just... I need to talk to you, Leah"

"Fuck off" my only reflex is to say this, as I start closing the door again.

But once again, she doesn't let me, and instead insists:

"It's very important."

Rolling my eyes, I just nod, beaten:

"Alright but hurry, I'm in a rush."

"Don't go to Saint Ives" she declares, not losing one second. As I raise my eyebrows, she adds: "It's a trap."


Lia sighs loudly.

"Listen, I know I've hurt you, and I am sorry - you can't even begin to imagine how sorry I am - but you gotta trust me on this: don't go there. Please."

"Tell me what's in Saint Ives" I order, cold.

"I... can't..." Lia hesitantly declares, and although her eyes were screaming in honesty and hope, I just couldn't bear with it. How could I believe her? "I really don't have a choice, Leah, but you do have one: don't go there."

"One of my best friend is there, and I won't leave her on her own!" I exclaim, before trying to close the door again. As Lia holds it again, I add: "You won't change my mind, so if you wanna hold the door, keep doing it : I'll keep packing while you do."

I walk back inside my apartment, putting my clothes inside the bag I had packed. Lia had followed me, quite desperate I must say, and as I try grabbing my bag, she intercepts my hands with hers, as an electric signal goes through both our bodies it seems: we catch eyes, and as I try to take my hands back, she insists on holding them.

After a few seconds of shock, however, she releases them.

"You have every reason in the world to be mad at me, but-"

"You tried to frame me for a murder I didn't commit after I told you very traumatic and intimate stuffs ; you seduced me and got close to me just to get informations ; you... you..."

"At first, yes, I'll admit" Lia concedes, beyond serious, "but I really did fall for you, Leah. That's why I'm here: I don't want anything bad happening to you, I-"

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