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Unknown number: when the sinking stone has resurfaced, the lives of three are at stake - and one must remain underwater

My whole body starts to tremble, as my breath is cut short.

Shit, shit, shit... this isn't possible... Starting to hyperventilate in my apartment, I just lie down on the ground, staring at the ceiling: I was all alone, as I could never speak to them again - I was really on my own this time. There was so much blood... So much we didn't know then, and still now... 

Gasping for air, I jump frenetically when my door rings: shit, I think to myself, only now realising who it was, when did I think it was a good idea to invite the girls over for study session? Praying that more than one person would come at the time - so that I don't have to converse with whoever is there - I open the door.


"Uh, Leah... you good?" Lia asks, raising her eyebrows.

I nod, trying to hide everything that was collapsing around me, and quickly blurt out:

"Uh-uh, yeah, all g-g-good" and, realising I was acting extra-weird compared to usual, I urge myself to add: "C-come on in! I'll serve us some wine!"

"At ten in the morning?" Lia inquires, raising her eyebrow.

I have a nervous laugh, before saying, improvising:

"Ah-Ah - got you! I'll make us some t-tea, yeah, tea's good in the morning, right?"

"Right..." Lia lets out, confused.

As she makes her way inside my apartment, I almost run toward the kitchen, starting the water to boil, feeling erratic and nauseous. Lia quickly follows, and she realises (even more than before) that something was wrong with me - definitely wrong.

As I am walking around like a mad woman, Lia suddenly grabs my arms, forcing me to face her: her soft greenish eyes stare right through me - and my soul it sure feels like - as she slowly articulates:

"Leah, what's going on?"

"U-uh, n-nothing much" I lie, knowing very well that I was terribly bad at lying in the first place. The Swiss raises one eyebrow, visibly not impressed, as I add: "I -uh-"

"Look" Lia carefully says, frowning, "if you don't wanna talk about it then it's fine, we haven't known each other for long so I understand if you don't wanna tell me all your secrets yet-"

"Secrets ? W-what secrets? I have none! No secret on board of the Williamson' boat" I blurt out, unable to stop myself, laughing nervously.

The brunette obviously finds me weird, but she doesn't say anything: indeed, during her brief silence, I benefit for the latent moment to literally run toward the kitchen as Lia was opening her mouth to respond to my weirdness. I start making some tea, and when I see my reflection on the oven's glass, and realise I look like a ghost.

Lia did not dare to follow me given my current state: instead, when I calmed myself down and came back to the living room with two cups of tea, the Swiss girl was already typing things on her computer, visibly concentrated. She looks up when I arrive, and throws me an hesitant look - she might want to see if I was to be all weird and shit again.

Nodding my head slowly, I just say without really thinking:

"Sorry, I have an anxiety disorder that can be hard to manage at times... You must think I'm bonkers..."

"Not at all!" Lia immediately exclaims, before cracking a gorgeous smile. As I was making a weird face, she adds: "My sister struggles with anxiety and depression - and has been for years - so I know what it's like I think. And I sure as Hell won't ever judge you for it."

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