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Ever since the episode on the big wheel with Lia, my head has been somewhere else... until tonight, as I was alone in my apartment, racing Katie's death letter addressed to me, that was already opened because of the ongoing investigation.

C'mon, you chicken, fucking open it: it's better to know if something's coming at ya, I think to myself, before finally gathering the courage to take the folded piece of paper our of the enveloppe, and start unfolding it nervously.

My hands were trembling, as I read:

Remember that game we used to play while in second grade? There were so many rocks near the yellow wall, it was insane. I wished we would've gone back there, just to have one last game. I still owed you a payback, because you beat me so many times at it.

I used to hate you for it, but today I can only see fighting during the games was your way of expressing yourself: you've won the game of life even, and I must bow down respectfully thinking about the good old days.

If I could, I would've gone back to the yellow wall and those rocks that would make our knees bleed.

I frown: the yellow wall? Saint Ives' lone primary school was now in a new local, as the building with the yellow stone was abandoned.

Immediately, my first reflex is to write with the SOS number: Yellow wall of ancient primary school, look under the rocks. And, then, as I am about to call my friends to warn them I would make it to class but quite late, somebody knocks at my door.

When I open the door and see Ingrid Engen, out of breath, I just stare at her, quite surprised, as she nods.

"May I come in please?"

"S-sure" I let out, confused.

Nevertheless, I let her in, knowing very well that either her or Alexia were good at asking any help at all - some things never change... - so, if she still is kind of the same person than we were in high school, she would just need time to open up. I close the door behind her, as she removes her coat full of snow, and starts walking around my apartment, staring at old photographs of my family and I, until she reaches one of us.

The three of us - young, naive, before everything happened - we hadn't lost our innocence quite yet, and there was nothing between us than friendship and deep appreciation of each other, and no secrets to keep for our lives' sake.

As Ingrid takes one of the picture within her hands, she just smirks and asks in a thoughtful tone :

"Don't you sometimes wish we could control time and go back to that period?"

I have a nostalgic laugh and smile, as she stares at me, raising her eyebrows.

"Believe me, I do - every day, even" I admit, as Ingrid puts the photograph down and sits down on the couch. As she stares at her hands erratically, I just ask: "Do you want something? Tea? Water...?"

"Do you have something strong enough to make me forget about my shitty day?"

"Um, I've got whiskey..." I announce, surprised.

"I'd love a glass of it, then, please" she says, as I go straight to the kitchen. While I pour her a drink, she continues: "Your place is nice, it's very you - the Tumblr and Pinterest girl, always the fashionable of the gang."

"You and Alexia did not really care about wardrobe at all, if we're being honest" I point out, laughing softly. As she smirks, I hand her a glass of whiskey, before adding: "Remember when you guys asked me to chose all three of our outfits to go to senior year prom?"

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