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The lab was enlighten by artificial lights. It was already 8 PM, and the winter weather did not allow the sun to stay risen at that hour. Lia and I are working on our experimental cells on each side of the lab when the door opens. We both look up, as our now boss - Pernille Harder - enters the room with assurance. 

A smirk appears on her face when she realises we're still here working on her project - well, I would've left already, but it was out of the question that I'd leave Lia on her own in this God-forsaken place. Given that Pernille's presence in London, as well as her sudden hiring of me weren't a coincidence, and I couldn't risk Lia.

As the latter salutes her boss with a nod, Pernille says:

"Lia, can you please do me a favour and get me the C-samples that are in the third-floor lab ? I would really like to get home but I still have to synthesise a molecule here."

"Sure!" Lia responds, immediately leaving the room, leaving me and the blonde face to face, on our own.

As soon as she's gone, Pernille walks straight at me and stops only steps away, her arms crossed against her chest, immediately announcing her mood in a matter of seconds: her murderous eyes are on me, and her jaw is set.

Back in high school, Pernille was part of the 'cool kids' gang: she was a skateboarder, but also had the highest grades of our school, and was president of debate club. The first place is where she and Maria met ; the second where she was recognised as super-smart, and the third where her notoriety started. Back then, she was dating the hottest guys, and always hid her attraction to Maria, that was growing stronger every second until she died.

Of course I hated - and still hate - Pernille Harder: she was the type of girl I could never compete with, and if Mapi was feeling something for me back then, she sure as Hell was feeling something for Pernille, too. 

Either way, she definitely hated - and still hates - me: how fucking ironic.

"You were hard to find, Williamson: but I finally did, and now that your two bodyguards aren't here to hide you behind them, we can finally have that talk."

I frown. Be a badass, Leah. Time to shine.

"T-that talk?" I repeat, my voice trembling a little.

Shit. Shit. Shit. What happened to being badass? You're such a disgrace, she will eat you alive as soon as she gets the chance to - don't give it to her! I think to myself, my inner voice screaming inside my mind.

With a winning smirk on her face, Pernille declares:

"Senior Prom night. You disappeared with Mapi for an hour or so, and when you came back to the ball, she was found dead on the street - a hit and run, they said. I want to know what happened?"

Shaking my head, I say:

"I was with my friends the whole time."

"Remember Ada Hegerberg?" Pernille asks, a smirk on her face.

"Yeah... She was one of the footballers, right?"

"Yes, and she also happened to be hooking up with Ingrid Engen in the ballroom's bathrooms when you were out in the woods. Care to explain?"


"You have no idea what you're talking about..." I start, before deciding that I should really say something that would have an impact if I wanted to help myself out of this tricky situation. Rolling my eyes, I add: "Is that why you hired me by force? So that you'd lead your little investigation out of jealousy because Mapi was seeing me, too? Is that it?"

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