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You can do this - talking about what happened to someone you want to be intimate with isn't a mistake, nor a risk, she will understand... right? I ask myself, hesitant, as Lia, who had spent the night (quite a magical night in complete honesty) at my apartment, was concentrated on her samples for Project Alpha. 

Slowly approaching her with a smile on my lips, we look around to make sure neither Pernille or Lucy was around, before kissing each other quickly, smiling onto the kiss. Should I be concerned that I am already so invested in that girl, or is it normale given her wonderful personality and beautiful persona

Staring at me with a smile on her lips, Lia says:

"Careful, if you continue to be so sweet I might actually fall for you..."

I smirk, before grabbing her hands with a more serious face on now, as I declare:

"I want to be intimate."

Lia's eyes go wide.

"W-what? Here?" she asks, in shock.

Immediately blushing - damn it Williamson, way to ruin the moment - and having a nervous laugh, I shake my head and clears out:

"Um, no, not that kind of intimacy: I meant that I wanted you to know me, the real me..." and, as Lia nods her head, squeezing my hands tightly, I just take a deep breath and close my eyes. Alright, now or never, Leah, I tell myself, before reopening my wounds: "I never told you, like... the whole truth about Mapi's death..."

"You don't have to if you're not ready, Leah..." Lia insists, frowning.

"But I want you to know" I insist in turn, staring right into her eyes. Gosh, this girl is making me lose my mind - Ale and Ing are gonna kill me, but it'll be worth it, I think to myself, before declaring: "It was during Senior Prom night, and I was drunk because I knew Mapi would come with Pernille Harder to try and win Prom Queens - so I don't remember much, not-that-surprisingly. I just know that at some point, I had a blackout - right after I drank in some glass a stranger gave me. I bet there was drugs inside of it, 'cause next thing I know, I wake up in the woods, next to Mapi's body..."

Lia's facial expression goes from profound interest to utter shock, as she exclaims:

"Oh my Gosh, Leah, that's awful..."

"... I don't remember shit about that night, but if I do remember something, it's that Mapi's body was full of knife wounds, and I could never have hurt her - I was in love with her..."

The brunette in front of me seems truly disturbed. 

"What happened then? H-how did Mapi go from the forest to the side of the road? I thought she got hit by some car driven by that policeman?"

I nod.

"Fortunately enough, my best friends found me, and while Ale couldn't stand the view and the shock of her sister dying under her eyes - after all, she used her last breaths while Ale was crying over her body, and it took her days to get out of the deep denial she had toward what happened and break down. In the meantime, Ingrid too care of the body, 'cause if anyone had found it with my fingerprints all over the crime scene, I would've gone down for murder..."

Lia seems utterly in shock. 

Of course she'll think I am a monster, I think to myself, as the brunette seems to be lost inside her thoughts. In the meantime, she still is holding my hands inside hers. 

After a dew seconds, she sighs and asks:

"W-what did Ingrid d-do?"

"She never told us... She was willing to go down in my place in case things didn't work out... After that day, we never spoke to each other again for four years..."

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