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"Show's over" an unknown voice announces, as I could hear through the door. After a indistinct chattering, the person goes on: "My client, Miss Williamson, is in a situation that is a brutal violation of her rights: you have no other proofs than an illegal recording performed while my client was being manipulated by someone that caused her psychological harm. This arrest is unconstitutional and violates my client's basic humans' rights. If you don't want this case to go to the Supreme Court, and don't have sustainable proofs against my client, then you'll allow me to walk right in there and let her free. Thank you."

Then, the door opens, and a rather average-height brunette enters, in a classy black suit, followed by Lucy Bronze, who has a big smile on her face. I get up from the bed, quite in shock: I have been there for three days. Then, a third and fourth person enter: Ingrid and Jill. Sighing in relief, I just start crying for no apparent reason - only, I was all too happy to finally be out of this shit hole. 

The stranger, who seems to be a lawyer from her speech to the police officers that were in shock,  makes one of them open my cell, before I jump into Ingrid and Jill's arms. Relieved, I just stare at my Norwegian and Dutch friends, very happy to see them.

Quite moved, Jill declares:

"Hey, shitty head, we've been worried sick!"

"H-how did you...?" I start, not able to finish my sentence. 

Ingrid smirks.

"As soon as we found out what happened, we tried to find a way to free you, and luckily, some of my colleagues found out that one of Pernille Harder's associate, Lucy Bronze, was a private investigator working independently. We got her on board to help us free you, and then resolve the shady stuff going on both in Saint Ives and in London."

"One of my acquaintances happened to be the best lawyer in Germany, so I brought her in" Lucy adds, smirking. As I stare at her in awe - like, why would she help a stranger like me? - she just continues: "I do think you're innocent, Leah, and we're gonna prove it and resolve this case once and for all."

In the meantime, the brunette had advances toward me, as Jill's arm was around my shoulders supportingly. 

When she gives me her hand to shake, she just says in a light German accent:

"Melanie Leupolz, General attorney of the Council of Berlin, nice to meet you"

"Likewise" I say, before turning toward Ingrid, a bright smile on my face. When the dark-haired stares at me with confusion, I add: "You really did all this for me?"

"Well, I got help unfortunately, but of course: I'd do anything to keep my friends safe."

Quite moved - because it has been years since we called each other that - I immediately throw my arms around her and hug her tight. Ingrid being her usual asocial self, she awkwardly taps my back, trying to be friendly in return. Bursting into laughter - mostly because her social incapacity was hella funny - I just take a step back and smirk. 

After a while, Ingrid adds:

"Well, we should really get going, 'cause whatever the hell is happening now isn't gonna solve itself! Let's go to the Guardian, I've got a team working on the case there, and we definitely need extra hands."

We all nod, before following Ingrid out of the police station.


Melanie Leupolz

Melanie Leupolz

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