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My friend and I's first day in Harder Biometrics started out with a pretty long briefing for the two 'newbies' Lia and I were, and ever since I step foot on the building, I had a bad feeling about all of it. We were then introduced to our huge lab, where we would synthesise human genomes to do God-knows-what, but 'everything comes at the right time', like Pernille Harder would say to us at least four times. 

As soon as there's only Lia and I left alone in our new workplace, I look around to make sure nobody is looking, but Lia beat me to doing the talking:

"Are you okay? You seem pretty disturbed by our new boss..."

"Uh, disturbed is not the word I'd use... Actually, Pernille was in Marìa's class, and one of her best friends..." I let out thoughtfully, trying to hold my breath enough for me not to gasp. As Lia frowns, I add: "I don't think she liked me pretty much back then, and it still hasn't changed apparently..."

"You're making a fuss out of nothing: she hired you, Leah, this alone proves she doesn't hate you. Plus, look how amazing this job is! We're really lucky, you should enjoy it. Look: I've made some researches on Dr Harder, and apparently she has found a breakthrough solution on a serious issue she couldn't reveal just yet. What if it's the project we're working on? That may be why she hasn't told us anything just yet! And what if-"

But I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" I ask, suspicious.

"Why aren't you?" Lia rhetorically asks in disbelief, "we were hired by the most promising face of modern medicine, Leah! It's just amazing!"

I nod, beaten.

I need to find out what Pernille's up to, 'cause something tell me her arrival in London is no coincidence...



Unknown number: stop the mind games and turn yourself in, otherwise the truth will be revealed in a more murderous manner than last night. you should not have published this article...

As I bring my phone closer to my ear after dialling Alexia's number, I wait a few seconds, staring at the view of the balcony, as the small coffee's terrasse I was seating in was offering quite the insight on big gardens and everything.

After a few seconds, Alexia answers in a whisper:

"Hey, how are you holding up?"

"Well, the bitch from the guardian is still in palliative care but her life's not in danger, and my office is totally ruined, but apart from that-"

"Ingrid, how are you doing?" she insists, suspicious.

Rolling my eyes, I just say:

"I'm... fine, don't worry. But we gotta change strategies 'cause this unknown number is starting to get on my nerves honestly..."

"Agreed" the Spanish says, setting her jaw on the other side of the phone. While I look around, defeated, she continues: "Have you heard about Leah's new job...?"

"Yeah, talk about being in a big, big shit" I comment, half-laughing, half-stressing out, "I can't believe Pernille- well, this is good, right? She must be involved in... you know."

"No doubt in my mind" Alexia says, and as there are voices behind her, she lowers hers and says: "I'm sorry I gotta go, but keep me updated, and please check on Leah before she loses her mind... we can't repeat the mistakes from the past..."

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